Looks Like Easter is Coming
I'm really late this year (or is Easter early?), but I finally got out my Easter decorations. The little vignette above is on my entry hall table. The decorated wooden eggs I have had for ages and have no idea now where they came from. They had a little decorated wagon that they sat in,…
Traditional Fat Quarter Quilts-Day Three
Welcome to Day Three of the blog hop to launch Monique Dillard's new book "Traditional Fat Quarter Quilts". Today you have TWO sites to visit to see amazing quilts made from patterns in this book, as well as two chances to win the book! So, without delay, you must go visit Denise at Quilter's Window,…
Another Great Book by Monique Dillard
I am so excited to be participating in a Blog Hop this week to celebrate the launch of a new book by Monique Dillard, the talented quilter, author, and creator of the Fit To Be rulers! Her previous book "Fat Quarter Winners" was a big success last year, and this new release by C &…
Out and About
Just a quick note to tell you I will be out and about for the next couple of days. My sisters and other dear female relations are going to San Francisco for some shopping and dining adventures. Hope to take some photos to share when I return!
T is for Terrific
I finished my little Schnibbles project for this month. It still remains to be quilted, and I hope to accomplish that in the next week or so. This was a super easy and fun project to do. Around 10:00 AM I started cutting out the pieces, and by 4:30 was gazing fondly at the top…
Bonus Sewing Time
Due to a change in my babysitting schedule for Baby E, I ended up with two bonus sewing days this week! I'm spending it working on a project that I can't share with you until the last week of March, because it is a secret 'til then. Don't mean to be a tease…Oh yes I…
Great Scrap Project
Have you heard of Anne Sutton's (Bunny Hill blog) Scrappy Plate Club? Oh my gosh, you should check it out. Anne is sponsoring a free tutorial on how to make a Dresden Plate Quilt, from beginning to end. Her instructions are so clear and understandable, a beginning level quilter could master the project. And the…
What’s In My Sewing Basket?
Sara and I bought these fun little faux wicker baskets at Target over the weekend. They were only $5.99 and we thought they would be pretty cute along side our sewing machines, full of needful things. They did not come with the snazzy little cloth liners–I made those from a fat quarter when I got…
Welcome to the Studio
It has been a long time coming, but my quilting studio is up and running. I am so grateful to my husband, son in law, and Handyman Bill for making this dream come true. For so many years, I did my sewing on the dining room table, in the guest room, and in my last…
TipTo End the Week
Such nice comments I got in response to my post yesterday. Those of us who have lost our moms really do have a sisterhood. I am sorry for all your losses. Time heals the wound, and our memories provide solace, but we never stop missing our loved ones. Remember me posting a photo of this…