I know, I am an Evil Temptress. Just look at that stack of deliciousness, will you? Pam Kitty Morning designed this gorgeous collection for LakeHouse Fabrics. LakeHouse Dry Goods is a fantastic fabric company and if you aren't familiar with them, you should definitely check out their designs. This is an enormous fabric collection, with…
More Notions and Ozzie Takes Advantage
I swear, my husband goes out of town and Ozzie thinks he can take all sorts of liberties. I had just staggered out of my nice warm bed this morning, and when I tried to return, someone had slipped in and taken my place. Yes. Under the covers! Yesterday I mentioned that a number of…
Favorite Tools
There have been several discussions going on lately in Blogland about quilters' favorite tools, so I thought I would jump in with a list of mine. I tried to keep my list to ten items, but that was a lot harder than you would think! If you have any suggestions to add, by all means…
Birdie Stitches Block One
Here is my first Birdie Stitches block, finished this weekend. I found myself really enjoying the hand embroidery work. Just so you know, this project calls for using six strands of DMC embroidery floss for most of the stitchery. I have never used so many strands at once, ever! I do like the thicker bold…
Birdie Stitches
Along with the optimism I feel for the new year, I have a gazillion ideas for new projects dancing around in my head. Sara had purchased the jelly roll in the photo above a couple of years ago, with the thought of making a quilt. Life got in the way and she never made it and passed the…
The Studio
This was my studio when I first saw it a year ago. The man who owned the house we bought used it as his woodworking shop. I have to say, it is the tidiest shop I have ever seen! It had a concrete floor and some funky cabinets and shelves on the walls. It was…
New Year’s Food and Decorating
In January I always feel like I need to clear the clutter and have a more pristine style of decorating around the house. My mother was always a "blue" person, and she surrounded herself with shades of soothing blue in every room of her home 12 months out of the year. My taste runs to…
New Year, New Me
Here I am letting go of the past year. Letting it unfurl in the wind and blow away. That's what I love about the New Year. It is such a chance for new beginnings, new hopes and fresh starts. Without going into detail, let me just say the past year was too full of death…
Bye Bye 2011, Don’t Let the Door Smack You On The Butt on Your Way Out
"An optimist stays up until midnight to see the new year in. A pessimist stays up to make sure the old year leaves". ~Bill Vaughan I am not sure who Bill Vaughan is, but he hit the nail on the head with that little quote. I used to consider myself an optimist, but the past…
Blessings of the Season
Dear friends, I am hoping to get back to blogging (and sewing!) in the New Year. Thanks for your support while I have been slogging through a multitude of concerns. The light is in sight at the end of the tunnel! Blessings of the season to all of you, and the very best sort of…