Thanks to all of you for your kind emails. I hope to be back to blogging soon, but will be taking a break for awhile.
I Won
Chris from Cats On My Quilts did a little give away recently, and I was the lucky winner. Isn't this little tea mat the cutest thing you have ever seen? She created the pattern from some block ideas that were in this book, which she also sent me: The book is full of cute and…
A Touch of Fall Here, A Touch of Fall There
This past weekend, I got out some of my fall decorations. Gosh, I do love this time of year! I was dying to tack this sweet little autumnal plaque on a wall somewhere, but my husband wouldn't let me put a nail hole in the wall. That's ok, I had other fish to fry. My…
Getting Ready for Some Sewing!
Woo hoo! In about a week I am going to be getting together with some friends and do some sewing! Mostly I am excited to see my friends, but also I wanted to get a seriously wonderful project ready to work on during the time that we will be sewing together. I am working on…
Cautionary Tale
Is this not the weirdest creature you have ever seen? It is a gigantic praying mantis that has decided to visit my hummingbird feeder. These big bugs seem to be common in my new garden. In fact, last week, I went down to the Studio-That-Isn't and there was one right on the door knob! Luckily…
Hmmm, What Shall I Do?
Out in my garage, there is a mountain of boxes, all labeled "Studio". My Studio is more accurately the Studio-That-Isn't, so the boxes remain unpacked, much to my frustration. I know that many of you have been wondering, What's the hold up? Well, to be honest, the answer is simple. Money. The bad news is that my…
Blueberry Zucchini Bread
Here is an easy recipe you might enjoy–especially if you have a garden full of zucchini! It is a pretty basic zucchini bread recipe with the addition of blueberries. No nuts in this one, but don't see why you couldn't add them. I ended up with five mini loaf pans, not the four the…
How I Really Have Been Spending My Time
Now here is a book I never in a million years would have predicted I would read. The first in the George R. R. Martin Game of Thrones series. The genre is fantasy, and aside from the Lord of the Rings books and A Once and Future King, it is a genre I have completely…
Not Up To Much
I have been a lazy blogger this week. There isn't much going on in my life at the moment. Just enjoying the last lazy days of summer. Can you believe it is September already? Good grief, this summer has flown by. My desire to practice my machine quilting is still very much with me, and…
My Best Ever Machine Quilting Effort
If you have followed this blog for any length of time, you know that it has been my desire to improve my machine quilting skills. I have been practicing my squiggles and loop d' loops and stippling and my results have been well, pretty much just ok. Make no mistake, I am improving, but it…