So, If You Want to Move Your Skill Level Up a Notch…
First off, thank you all for such amazing comments to yesterday's post. Your comments were better than my post, so if anyone hasn't read the comments, please do go back and see what folks had to say. Amazing, articulate, caring opinions all. I am having a crazy kind of week, so I have not…
Let’s Talk About “Dumbing Down”
There has been much discussion in the past week about the "dumbing down of quilting". I have been giving the topic a lot of thought and wanted to share my feelings with you. First of all, what does "dumbing down" mean? Basically, it is a negative term for things that are overly simplified, specifically to appeal…
Penultimate Eventide Post
I love that word, penultimate. Means next to the last, if you need to look it up. I was off a week on the deadline for our Eventide reveal, which has turned out to be a very good thing! I finished my quilt top, or so I thought, and folded it up and tossed it…
Hello Sunshine, and Let’s Meet a New Friend
"Honey? What's that strange light coming from the sky?" Oh, it's the SUN! Hello sunshine, hello. It's been dark for a very long time….We have had something like 25 consecutive days of rain here, and today it didn't rain! With any luck, we will have a few days to dry out before the next storm…
Fabric Teasing
I have a new project getting started! I don't want to tell you too much about it right now, but you just wait until next week and I will be happy to share all! The fabric pictured above was purchased in Illinois last September when Lisa and Thelma and I met up to take a…
Two of Things is Good
Well. Didn't we have ourselves a blogging brouhaha yesterday? If you missed it, just as well. All over now. Feathers are smoothed, tempers are cooled, and we are all getting back to our cheerful nice selves. I hope. But listen. Really. As much as we all love a spirited discussion, we have to be more…
Eventide Tuesday–Last Post ‘Til the Big Reveal!
Woo Hoo, the end is in sight. The light at the end of the tunnel and all that. I have my center section of nine blocks all sewn together. I have my two inner borders of red hour glass blocks sewn up. I just have to sew the two outside rows of blocks, sew the…
California, Land of ….
RAIN! It sure would be nice to be able to actually use this gas grill. I am telling you, Friends, it is wet where I live. Well, at least the grass is green. If it ever stops raining, I will replant those clay pots with summer annuals. Good sewing weather though. And I have some…
All Wrapped Up!
I swear, this quilt made itself. I LOVE this quilt. It is from a pattern by Artichoke Collection called All Wrapped Up. Not sure if you if you can find the pattern any more. I was told the partners who were Artichoke Collection split up. 🙁 The applique was super simple, but for some reason (probably…
Speed Demon
I can't even tell you how fast this went together! I started it around 9:30 and it was to this point by noon! Whew. Aren't those black and white prints adorable? The next step is the applique flower that goes right where the "ribbons" come together. I may not get to that for a couple…