Repeat After Me:
I am not a baker. I am not a baker. I am not a baker. This unbelievable mess is the cheesecake I was making for Christmas dinner. How could such a thing come to pass? Well, I'll tell you. Someone put my spring-form pan back together after it was washed, and got the bottom section…
My Heart is Full
This was the most magical, memorable, amazing Christmas ever. The festivities began Christmas Eve, when my daughter Sara gave me a little present. A little set of nesting dolls. Oh, but look! There is a note inside! What does it say? Keep going…. There is another note! What? What? Last one… No one has…
Merry Christmas
Merry Christmas everyone! Thank you all for your support and friendship this year! I hope you have a safe and enjoyable holiday and a healthy and prosperous New Year. Here is a toast to you all for a year full of wonderful quilting projects!
Shiloh, My New Project
I ordered this pattern from Bonnie Blue Quilts recently. Actually it is a kit. I loved the red and green, brown and gold color palette of the fabrics and the flying geese unit has to be my favorite thing to make. I had the entire day off yesterday, and certainly did not want to spend…
I Am Not a Baker
OK, yes, there are a few things I am pretty good at. Skilled even. But not baking. I told you all I had given up Holiday Baking in an effort to make my life more sane during the Christmas season. Well, that wasn't all of the story. I gave up Holiday Baking because it was…
A Patch of Sun–Simple Pleasures
My husband took this picture of Sophie, and I just had to share it. Here I am, all a-flutter with last minute Christmas details and look at my girl–what an example to us all. Here she sits in our dingy garage, leaning up against a packing crate, enjoying a patch of sunshine. Just sitting. Feeling…
For When You’ve Partied Too Hard…
OK, you ask, what the heck is THAT? That, my friends, is a LUSH Emotibomb. For when you have partied to hearty and need to wake up and rejoin the living, as in *today*. This Morning. An "emotibomb" is something that you put on the floor of your shower, turn on the water to…
Ozzie’s On A Tear
Good gravy, is this dog getting on my last nerve or what? I've just been so busy lately, with the shopping, wrapping, decorating, sewing, that I haven't been able to devote my usual amount of time to Ozzie. He wants my attention and he wants it NOW. His usual method of getting me to focus…
What Sort of Blog Do You Like?
First of all, this is not my Christmas tree, not my mantel, not my house. Pretty picture though, huh? Thought I hadn't better reveal too much about my personal situation. My husband said to me at dinner yesterday,"Say, you don't get too personal in your blog do you? I mean, you don't talk about us,…
Getting There
Not much to share. Just lots of progress being made on Christmas happenings. Today was my major shopping day. I just about finished everything up. And when I got home, I even wrapped my purchases. It went like this. One present for Sara. One present for Ahren. Two presents for Sara. One present for Dad. …