Happy 4th of July!
Isn't this a pretty tablescape? I just love decorating for any holiday. That being said, that is not my table shown above, and I haven't done any decorating for the 4th of July. I have however been extremely inspired by a few blog sites where very creative folks have done so. Please join me for…
Spinning Straw Into Gold
Yes Sir, I can spin that straw into gold, and I think your name is Rumplestiltskin. I feel a bit like that poor girl who was locked away in a cell, spinning the hours away. My material is not straw, however, but bindings. Bindings. Miles and miles of bindings. Good gravy, I am not looking…
Stargazer, Variation
Told you I was going to use up those blue blocks that didn't make it into my first version of Stargazer. I can't remember when I have had so much fun with making a quilt! I never make a quilt twice- I may have done it a couple of times in my life, but usually,…
The Backside of Quilting
This is an expensive hobby we share, isn't it? I had to go out and purchase the backings for three big quilts yesterday. Of course the quilts were all larger than 80 inches square, so I had to purchase yards and yards of fabric. I love it when the quilts finish around 72", and I…
Stargazer Finished
I am thrilled with how this quilt came out. Thrilled! I could not have accomplished this without your suggestions, encouragement, and help with finding fabric. I feel like it is "our" quilt! How completely different it is from my first vision of blues, reds and browns. When that combination just wasn't working with my…
Stargazer Resurrected
When I got home from my weekend of gallivanting all around Creation with Sara, I had many packages in my mailbox. Smile. It sure is nice to have so many leads from all of you when I find myself short of fabric. Always Quilting, Snowy River Quilts, Quilt Patch Lane, and my friend Jean (In…
Park Avenue
I think this is such a pretty fabric group. Park Avenue by 3 Sisters. I often have issues incorporating blues into my quilts, but this little touch of pale aqua is going to work in just fine. A nice accent, not at all dominant. The super dark espresso brown really pleases me, and you all…
Somebody’s Been Busy
And that would be Debbie, of Prairie Queen's Quilt Shop in San Jose, CA. Debbie does my quilting for me, and she just finished three quilts, each one prettier than the next! Madeline, in my hands already! And look at the beautiful feather quilting design. This is my adaptation of a Miss Rosie Schnibbles pattern…
Thank you
You guys are simply awesome. Thank you so much for your suggestions and offers of fabric! I cannot believe what an amazing resource you all are. If anyone is considering starting up a blog, look no further for a wonderful source of support, suggestions and encouragement. I had so many of you actually offer to…
Stargazer Going Down
I am just so frustrated. All my lovely red star blocks that I made do not work what-so-ever with the rest of the quilt! What was I thinking? My inspiration was a pattern in a 2007 American Patchwork and Quilting magazine. Heritage Stars was the name of the pattern. It is a Homestead hearth design. You will notice…