Les Triplettes de Toulouse
In 2003, the craziest movie came out–Les Triplettes de Belleville. It was a combined international effort on the part of France, Belgium, Quebec and the UK. It was advertised as a full length animated surreal adventure film and was a huge hit at the Cannes Film Festival. The sound track is very catchy, particularly the…
Some People Are Just So Nice
We love it when things come in the mail! Sophie was so excited as I tore the package open and pulled out this fun little gift box and envelope. Isn't she adorable? She has the prettiest face. Now if only she got along better with her brother Ozzie… Anyway, she immediately snatched the envelope, which…
Rejoining the Living
Hey, I feel pretty good this morning! Head is clearer, ears not ringing, eyes not watering too much, nose not completely stuffed up. Let the vacation begin! Boy, do I have a lot of sewing projects I would like to work on. What? I have to go back to work today? No! Did I tell…
Happy New What?
Hi there. I sure do time my vacations well. You wouldn't believe the hoops I had to jump through to get four days off work so I could stay home and sew. Didn't happen. The sewing that is. Oh, I stayed home all right. In my bed! This was the cold virus of all cold…
I Feel Sniffy
Tap, tap, tap….Is this thing on? Ahem! "I feel sniffy, oh so sniffy I feel sniffy and stuffy and tight And I pity the girl who feels like me tonight" (Think Natalie Wood in West Side Story, only older, fatter and sicker, with tissues stuffed up her sleeves). Since I have been staying home…
Good Bornig
All I want to do is sew. I had an entire day all to myself yesterday, and what do you think happened? Yup, I woke up with a raging sore throat and a vicious cold. I spent almost the whole day in my bed. Sophie didn't get all her required exercise and attention and this…
Enough Already
We had quite enough drama for our Christmas, thank you very much. On Christmas Eve, our personal Santa (my DH) fell down and hit his head on a table and had to go to the hospital for stitches. He is OK now, but it was very chaotic for awhile there. You see, my daughter and…
Happy Holidays!
Best wishes to all of my blogging friends for the happiest holidays ever! I hope the New Year will bring you good health, prosperity, and many wonderful hours of sewing. Thank you all for giving me so much support, encouragement, and friendship in 2009. Just think what we can accomplish together in 2010!
Down to the Wire
It is all done except for a bit of wrapping and a lot of cooking. I love it when I can just sit back and enjoy my tree, listen to schmaltzy Christmas music and peruse my cookbooks for new holiday recipes. It has been pretty quiet this week in Blogland; you all must be as…
Making My Lists and Checking Them Twice
In the name of all of us who left things until the last minute, I would like to say "Thank God for Amazon.com". Don't know exactly how it happened, but Christmas kind of snuck up on me this year. The shopping part anyway. I am happy to say however, that the shopping got done in…