Thank You
I do have a new post for today titled Are They Kidding?, but before I get to that…. I need to say a sincere thank you to all of you dear friends who took the time to comment on my unexpected medical drama over the weekend. It was sudden and shocking and brought up many…
The Most Beautiful Fabric Ever.
Rouenerries by French General for Moda is the most beautiful fabric ever. I haven't been this excited about a fabric collection in years. And I get very excited about new collections from my favorite designers on a regular basis. This collection is just so …different. Those are the faded reds and pinks above. Here are…
Here Now
Do you ever get so caught up in the busy-ness of your life that you realize that you aren't really paying attention to that life? One of the woman I work with at one of my jobs has a license plate that reads HERENOW. Get it? Here and Now. She is a meditation/yoga enthusiast…
New Stunt Sewing Project and Honey Buns
I have been invited to do another stunt sewing project for my favorite Quilting Rock Star! This QRS has many qualities to recommend her, but one that I appreciate most is her tendency to send a bribe a little incentive gift prior to sending the project instructions. This time she sent me four Harmony Honey…
OP Quilt Quilted
I just got my OP (Orange Project) Quilt Challenge quilt back from the quilter's, and I really really love it. Sophie does too, as you can see from the photo. She is claiming it as her own, which she does with most things new to our home. It is as if she feels she needs…
Around the House in Late August
Time to get out the end of summer, transition into fall decorations people. I just bought this cool plate at Williams Sonoma and have it displayed on my "Bird Cage". I bought the Bird Cage about 20 years ago and paid for it all by myself. It was such an extravagance at the time, mainly…
New Dress Code
These are my favorite summer shoes. They are espadrilles made by Andre Assous, and have conformed themselves to my unique feet. If I took them off, you can see the little depressions my toes have made in the bed of the shoes. I love these little shoes. They have adorable rope soles with just enough…
Oil Spill At Our House
istockphoto Ok. I don't know what is going on cosmically, but things around here are totally out of whack. My son likes to change his own motor oil. Great. It is an economy. He saves a bundle not going to Jiffy Lube. So what does he do with the dirty motor oil he drains from…
Try It, You’ll Like It
Isn't this stash of 1930's fabrics wonderful? Just think of all the gorgeous things you could make with it. What? You never use 30's fabrics? You have got to be kidding. I hear a lot of people say "Oh, I never use 30's fabrics" or "No, batiks just aren't my thing" or "I could never…
Bye Bye Muffin Top
Congratulations to Jocelyn of Happy Cottage Quilter! Jocelyn won the Spanx Hide and Sleek Cami that I am giving away. Email me your address and size Jocelyn, and the cami will be yours! I just had to post this before and after picture I found on the internet. Spanx really do work to smooth out…