If You’re Happy and You Know It, Clap Your Hands
Isn't this just the happiest little quilt? The colors just sing out to me and the quilt is telling me it needs to go to a child. Wouldn't it be a sunny addition to a child's bedroom? The feeling is not specifically juvenile, but young and cheerful all the same. Yup, it needs to be…
Batik Love
Gracious, how did it get to be February already? I spent the entire weekend fighting a virus that had me down, but not out. I had three long days of sewing. I finished one top, worked on some batik blocks and started a new project. Aren't those periwinkle and purple batiks yummy? My goal is…
Hey, I’m Still Here
istockphoto Sorry to have dropped out of sight for a few days there! Guess what? I got a new job! It is a part time job, just five hours a day four days a week. I get Fridays off, work with kind and mellow women, have a bright sunny office all to myself, and think…
Samurai Squares
Have any of you attended a Strip Club Class at your favorite quilt shop? A Strip Club is a group that gathers to make a quilt out of the popular 2 1/2 inch strips (sometimes called Jelly Rolls) that are so popular these days. I highly recommend going to at least one of these…
Batik Challenge
I have not made much progress to speak of on the Batik Challenge I have joined with Lisa, Kristin, and Marianne. These purple fabrics are divine to play with and as a result I have been doing major fabric fondling and not much cutting or sewing! I did set up links to the other challenge participant's…
Charisma Spice Cake and Fresh Air in the Cabin
After yesterday's nonsense, I decided to get myself in gear today and finish up a couple of things on my To Do list. I got the borders on two quilt tops! The one above is from a pattern called Spice Cake by Mary's Cottage Quilts. The fabric is Charisma by Chez Moi for Moda. The…
Simply Sophisticated Months Three and Four, and Nicole Has a Hissy Fit
Today was one of those days when I should have stopped while I was ahead. My plan was to get caught up on some of the Block of the Month projects I have joined, since heaven knows I haven't been keeping up all that well. I must have a dozen blocks to make in all…
Batik Challenge
Sometimes it takes a quilting buddy to get you out of your comfort zone and get a different kind of quilt made. Or just get *something* made! My friend Lisa suggested that the two of us challenge each other to finish a Batik quilt, and I thought it was a splendid idea. Last April, at…
Picketty Sticks
You may have noticed that I am into bright and cheery fabrics these days. I am feeling very upbeat lately with all my free time to sew, and find that happy colors suit my mood perfectly. I cannot believe I actually own the fabric group pictured above, but there it was, smiling at me from…
Sophie Has Cosmetic Surgery
I know, she is awfully young to have cosmetic surgery, but something happened to Sophie and we just had to have the procedure done. I have mentioned that she has been awfully feisty with Ozzie and that there has been a bit of fighting going on between them. At first, she was the instigator, but…