Laboring on Labor Day
Happy September everyone! How can it be nearing the end of summer already? I loved my summer, and the many days I got to be home sewing. I have three or four of my quilts at the quilters, but haven't been able to pick them up and pay for them yet. I hope to get…
New Gizmo
Have you all discovered this super new gizmo? It is a bendable intense bright light that you attach to the top of your sewing machine! You stick the base on the machine, and then insert the light mechanism into it. You remove it when you pack up your machine, but it fits right back on when…
How It’s Going
Just a quick update—It is going pretty well with Sophie and Ozzie. He plays too rough, but they are figuring out the best way to handle things. When she gets fed up with him, she gives it right back to him. We have had to separate them a couple of times, but for the most…
Ozzie Gets Some News
"Ozzie! Listen! Slow down a sec! Do you like to play? Do you like to play with other doggies? I thought so! Well, guess what sweetie? Your sister Harmony is going to come and live with us! She will be your new friend, who will be here with you all the time when I…
Where There is a Will There’s a Way
The shock of receiving half of what I was expecting in my first paycheck has gotten me thinking. How am I going to pay these darn bills? I do not want any calls from Bob in India, my Nemesis. He is such a doggone pest. So aside from going into more debt in order to…
It Is All About the Contrast
Remember this pattern? I started to make it back in April with a collection called In The Pink 1 designed by Buggy Barn for Henry Glass. My colors are all pinks and browns. I set the project aside because I was not happy with the lack of contrast in my blocks. I believe the point of this block…
Now, What Was I Going To Do With This?
Didn't have a lot of time to sew this weekend, but I did manage to get into the stash closet and fondle some of my fabric. I rediscovered this yummy collection that I bought back in April when Lisa was out for a visit. The fabric is Fresh Air by Chez Moi for Moda. Very…
No Recipe Easy Dinner
I have completed my first two weeks at my new job today. And it was Pay Day! Big Whoop. My check was half what I was figuring it was going to be. I was thinking I was getting paid for two weeks, but nope, that wasn't the case. I started my job on…
Bubble Head Ozzie
Much to Ozzie's delight, my son was home from Cal Poly for the weekend. Ozzie loves him passionately because he thinks up very funny games that the rest of us dullards in the family would never dream up. It takes one comedian to know what another would find funny I guess. You are all familiar with…