Heritage Stars
This is the center medallion for the Heritage Stars quilt I have been working on. Or rather not working on, but I am trying to correct that situation. I am using the beautiul fabric group Allspice Tapestry by Fig Tree for Moda and a pattern I found in an issue of APQ. The center medallion…
My Little Helpers
I received so many encouraging comments from you dear friends out there regarding my new schedule and how I will soon get used to it. Thank you ever so much for your patience with me last week, and know that I am working on a solution to getting back to normal. Without resigning from my…
Finding My Way
Hello Friends. Thank you for all your good wishes to me on the occasion of my first week at my new job. And also, thank you for your patience with my lack of blogging. I am getting into my new routine, and will carve out niches for both quilting and blogging on a regular basis.…
Checking In
Hi there. I am still alive, but barely. Yesterday was my first day at my new job, and it took the starch right out of me. I have to get used to getting up at 6:00 AM, a habit I have lapsed out of. Learning so many new things makes my brain ache, and when…
Two Color Quilt Challenge and Friday Finish #10
I loved making this quilt top, from the moment I discovered some long forgotten already completed red and white half square triangles hidden away in a project box up on a high shelf in the closet. The pattern is called Red Union Square from the book The Simple Joys of Quilting by Joan Hanson and Mary Hickey. Only nine…
Two Color Quilt Challenge Update
Goodbye July, hello August! Isn’t August 1 supposed to be our Two Color Quilt Challenge Deadline? So, how is that going for all of you who said they would like to participate? I know Patti whipped hers out way back in June, but I would love to hear from the rest of you as to what your…
Ozzie Gets Left Behind
On the day of my daughter and son in law’s wine tasting party, we decided that it would be best if Ozzie stayed behind at my dad’s house while we attended the event. Ozzie is, as you know, a very exuberant fellow and I just couldn’t see him careening around amidst all the guests and their…
There’s No Place Like Home
Just returned from my trip to Orlando, and I don’t know when I have felt so completely exhausted! I was on the go every minute, attending a fabulous fashion show, eating at marvelous restaurants, attending seminars, and trying to keep up with my friends at The Magic Kingdom and Epcot Center. It was a…
Friday Finish #9
Here is Madeira, with all its borders finally on. This quilt top was fun to make because of the special cutting of the triangle sections. There are a a lot of bias edges though, and the quilt top doesn’t want to lay very flat. It is a bit rumply. My friend who is a machine…
Here is a picture of a sunrise. Which is something I haven’t seen in quite some time. You see, since I haven’t been working for over a year, I have learned to appreciate the joy of Sleeping In. But I better start practicing getting up early because I GOT A JOB!!!! It finally worked out and…