Back to Normal, Whatever That Is
Ozzie is much much better. Thanks to all of you for your good wishes. He looks serious in the picture above, because I took the photo while he was in his spot watching me cook dinner. He waits stoically for me to clumsily drop a bit of food out of the sky. This is…
Ozzie’s “Incident”, and a Cautionary Tale
I have been a couple hours at the emergency veterinary clinic this afternoon. Ozzie gave me quite a scare. I had invited him to jump into the car with me for a ride to the post office, and while we were en route, I noticed he was acting like he had something in his mouth. …
Friday Finish #8, Coventry
It’s still Friday, right? I just finished this by the skin of my teeth, as Grandma used to say. The main body of the top has been done for a week, but I had to scramble a bit to get all the borders on in time for my deadline. The pattern is Coventry, from the…
I am just not concentrating today. I can’t type, I can’t follow directions, and I am spending more time un-sewing than I am sewing. My Coventry quilt is ready for its borders, and while in a day dreaming stupor, I attached the 3 inch borders first, rather than the 2 3/8th inch borders. So off…
Scraps Give-Away
I just have to share this blurry picture of Ozzie and Remy. They had been playing tug of war with a tennis ball, both of them hanging on for dear life, when by some silent signal, they both stopped tugging and dropped the ball between them. After a bit of panting, they were at it…
In the Thick of Things
I am in the thick of things with the construction of Coventry, that sweet pattern that I am making using the Peace on Earth fabric group. What did I fail to notice when I launched into the pattern? The one inch square border! Not just one, but a double checkerboard border. Man oh man, I…
Friday Finish #7 Blended Blue Log Cabin
Months ago, Lisa, Perry, Cindy and I did a Blended Quilt Challenge. The idea was to get inspiration from one of the books from In The Beginning by Sharon Evans Yenter and Nancy Martin that involved a blended fabric technique, where one fabric sort of blends into another, making the over all design indistinct and…
Scraps For Sale…..
In a past life I used to be a pre-school and pre-kindergarten teacher. My favorite thing to do was to create flannel board stories or dramatic play kits based on my favorite children’s literature. One favorite book of mine ( and of hundreds of my students) was “Caps For Sale: A Tale of a Peddler,…
Wasting Away in Fabricville
In general, I am not too squeamish about sacrificing a bit of fabric. I tend to buy a bit more than I need, so if I miss-cut or find that I want extra of something, I am covered. This project I am working on for my Friday Finish this week is off the chart as far…
Recovering From the Holiday and Getting Back Up To Speed
Hope all of you had a lovely holiday! Nothing like an all American holiday with great traditional food, and no gift requirements. We are both a little beat from all the fun we had over the long 4th of July weekend. Ozzie has been perched on top of his favorite chair all afternoon, and I…