A Peek at My Garden
I’ve been too busy to sew the past week, plus the weather has been too nice to be cooped up inside! We spent all day Saturday out in the garden and look what is going on out there! The photo above is our wisteria, not very well situated in a back corner of the yard. …
Easter At Our House
Easter in our family is always exactly the same. We all gather at Dad’s house around 11:00, and everyone always brings exactly the same offering to the pot lunch brunch. No variations, no subsitutions allowed! No one misses this brunch unless they are in Tierra del Fuego (like my nephew) or sick as a dog…
Posh Baskets
I didn’t wait very long after all, did I?
Prairiequeens got in the entire collection of Posh by Chez Moi for Moda. Debbie at PQ says it reminds her of a dish of melted Neapolitan ice cream! I agree, it’s got the pinks, the chocolates, a touch of pistachio, and the backgrounds are a vanilla white. I love this fabric. Love with a Capital…
Saint Patrick’s Day, Revisited
Saint Patrick’s Day was two days ago. I know, I know. Things have just been a bit hectic in my life the past couple of weeks, so that I am behind on my posts. Every year on March 17, my father and assorted other male relatives beg me to make my version of Corned Beef. …
Life Goes On
Hi there. Sorry for the lack of posts lately. As you may have gathered, things have been kind of lively in my family life, with the health care drama for my MIL, and having to be running 75 miles up and down Highway 101 to tend to things. Happy to relate that things have settled…
The Squeaky Wheel Gets the Grease
istockphoto Getting old is just the pits. Not for sissies, as Bette Davis said. I want to share a personal experience with you, more as a cautionary tale, rather than as a soapbox rant. I’ve been out of town and away from my computer for a few days, tending to the needs of my 86…
Flying Geese, Another Way
On April 18, 2007, I posted a tutorial on my favorite way to make Flying Geese Units. Any time you are making flying geese units, you can use this technique, which isn’t always given in the block assembly instructions. Check it out, by clicking on the link. You make four perfect flying geese in no…
Za Za
It can be a dull as dirt kind of day, and the UPS guy comes to the door in his little brown shorts and his good natured smile and says, "Here’s another one!" And he hands over a little square box of surprisingly solid weight. Suddenly, I love my day. I love my UPS guy. …
Tagged–New Meme Game
Miss Jean, from In the Garden with Miss Jean tagged me to play a new Meme game. The idea is to come up with a six word quote that would serve as your memoir. This was harder than I thought it would be! istockphoto How about this quote from Helen Keller? "I never fight–except against…