Why a Design Wall is a Really Good Idea
I know many of you must have design walls in your quilting studios. They are the ideal place to arrange your blocks to achieve perfect placement, leave them up for days on end to consider your layout, and just generally have a place to display your quilt blocks as you complete a quilt top. I…
OK, This is Funny
istockphoto Ever imagine yourself as having a completely different persona? I’m not a housewife, I am a DIVA, and my name is "Elizabeth Huron" (my middle name and the street I first lived on). And that’s my photo above. Right. Pamkittymorning is doing a fun thing on her blog, where you make up various names…
Snow Ball Block Question
I am making hundreds of Snowball blocks for the Miss Rosie quilt pattern "Jelly Bellies". As you probably know, a common technique that is used when constructing this block, is to sew a square diagonally across the four corners of a larger block. The excess fabric then needs to be trimmed away to eliminate bulk. …
These are some of the fabrics in our Buggy Barn/Carrie Nelson class kit for the quilt she thinks she is going to call "Cupcake". She originally planned to name it "Drumbeat" (I can’t remember why–something about marching to a different drummer) and her friends told her that was a terrible name and that she should…
Another Incredible Gizmo
Can you see the cool device that is screwed onto the bed of my Featherweight? Here is a more close up shot: It is an amazing seam guide that you can put on your machine. It is unfailingly accurate. You can adjust it to a perfect quarter inch, or even that elusive "scant" quarter inch…
Explosion of Sampler Blocks
Lisa (Stashmaster) and I decided to wrap up this Sampler Challenge. We are both going crazy with the slow pace we orginally agreed upon and want to get this one finished so we can move on to some other projects. So both of us (she in Washington and me in California) sewed all weekend and…
Where to Find the Angler Two
Several people have asked me where they can find the Angler Two sewing guide. It is a hard to find item, as most quilt shops do not seem to carry it. I have gone through two of them in my life, and each one was purchased at a quilt shop that has gone out of…
The Angler Two
For my Carrie Nelson class project "Jellystone", I have been making half square triangles. A lot of them. Around 300 to be exact. The method we used in class was the traditional way of drawing a line from corner to corner on a light background square, sewing a quarter inch on each side of the…
Jellystone AKA The Humility Block
istockphoto Remember old Yogi Bear from Jellystone Park? "Hey Boo Boo! I am smarter than the averrrr-age bear!" "Hey Boo Boo! Want to go on a piiiick-a-nick?" Well, Carrie Nelson named one of the classes she taught us "Jellystone", because her new pattern features a variation of the classic Bear Paw block. I can’t show…
Side Dishes
This is a picture of some of the side dishes I served at my dinner party on Saturday. The nice thing about them is that they can all be prepared well ahead of time and served chilled or at room temperature. They tasted pretty darn good too! The main part of the dinner was a…