Garden Fence Quilt/Bernina Foot #57
This is my beginner applique project, a design called "Garden Fence Quilt" from two of my favorite designers, Joanna Figueroa and Lisa Quan of Fig Tree Quilts. Their booklet Hearth and Home Quilts has a number of great patterns in it, including one called Sew Simple Baskets that is a real favorite of mine (in…
Machine Applique Adventures
Yesterday I was telling you all about how much I like the Steam A Seam Lite products for machine applique. Today I thought I would talk a bit about machine applique methods, and in particular, the one I like best at the moment. If you purchase any material on the How To of Applique, you…
Steam A Seam Lite 2
As you may have gathered, I have been a bit obsessed with machine applique lately. For successful machine applique, it is helpful to use a fusible stabilizer to adhere your applique pieces to your background fabric. My sister introduced me to Steam A Seam Lite, which I liked very much, and Pamkittymorning told me that…
Look and Learn
Back in April, when we were on our quilting retreat, my daughter Sara created the cutest quilt using two charm packs and some additional white yardage for lattices. While she was away in Japan last week, I decided to try out her pattern with the new Look and Learn charm packs by American Jane…
I am just so proud of myself I could burst. I have been putting off doing machine applique for YEARS because I thought it was too difficult, and that I could never achieve good results. Avoiding machine applique even caused me to slave over a simple hand appliqued border for a quilt that took me…
Plum Upside Down Cake
We have a plum tree in our backyard. I am not sure just what kind of plums they are, as they were planted by the previous owner of our home. What I can tell you is that this plum tree is REALLY happy in our backyard, and for some reason, this year the birds didn’t…
Sampler Quilt Block #3
Ta da! Sampler Block #3. I am using the Chocolat line of fabric by Moda. My friend Lisa and I are working together on sampler quilts using the same block patterns, but completely different fabrics. Her fabric choice is Fig Tree’s Cinnamon Stars (also by Moda). She is also using a different approach to her…
Christmas in July
I like to plan ahead when I can. It may seem crazy, but I am looking ahead to the holiday season, and if this quilt is going to be quilted and ready to go by late November, now is a good time to get it out the door to the quilter. This is my Return…
Happy 4th of July
When I was a little girl, I lived in a small town in southern Michigan. Our town, Belleville, had a lake where each Fourth of July my parents would take my sisters and I to view the town’s fireworks display. We would have our 4th of July picnic at home, then drive out to…
Six Degrees Quilted
The weather here in the Monterey area has been breathtakingly gorgeous all weekend, so I am afraid I have not gotten in much sewing time. I started a project for Sara, and hope to show pictures of that later this week. My husband and I spent hours in the car Saturday and Sunday, driving down…