Evening at Home
It has been a busy few weeks. Between doing a lot of sewing on the weekends and working like a crazy person at my job during the week, I am in dire need of some "down time". What I am craving is a quiet evening at home. An evening that involves candles, roses from the…
Christmas Block Give Away
As promised, I am posting today about my 32 orphaned Christmas blocks. These blocks are what are left over from my Return to Sender quilt top after I decided to eliminate them in favor of using mostly blocks with a high degree of contrast in the block fabrics (black/cream, red/cream, green/cream). These leftover blocks are…
It’s Beginning to Look Like Christmas
I know, I know. Christmas isn’t anywhere close. It’s only May for heaven’s sake. Still, if I want a Christmas quilt by the holiday season, now is the time to get it made. If I wait until Fall to get this top to my quilter, it will be touch and go if I will have…
Mother’s Day Tea Party
My thoughtful daughter gave the special women in her a life a real treat on Mother’s Day. She invited us all to her garden patio for a tea party! We spent a delightful couple of hours chatting and eating a most wonderful spread of goodies. This was a tea party like no other, complete with…
Thangles Galore
Thangles Galore. You might think that sounds like the female lead in a James Bond movie. But no, Thangles are a wonderful quilting tool that enables one to make scads and scads of half square triangles without sewing on bias edges or drawing stitching lines on the fabric. The first step is cutting your fabric…
Spring Cleaning
istockphoto I want to make it very clear that this is NOT a photo of my closet, or of a closet of anyone I know. I am using this image to make a point. That point being, that there comes a time for all of us, when we cannot put it off one more second—-and…
Rose Day!
It has come to my attention through Jill at Balliwick Designs, that today is Caring Bloggers Rose Day!Happy Rose Day my blogging friends, and my your path through life always be sweetly scented. You all have added so much to my life. Thank you.
Having Typepad issues today. For some reason, comments are not being allowed on my Log Cabin post.I am trying to work out the problem. I swear I paid my bill…..
You Gotta Love that Log Cabin Block
Things are coming along. Slowly but surely they are coming together. Enough of the pink and brown blocks have been sewn that I can lay out the center portion of the Raise the Roof design and actually get a preview of what it will look like when finished! It seems so creative of the pattern…
Fat Bottomed Girls
I’ve mentioned the difficulty I am having with constructing my pink and brown star blocks for my Raise the Roof quilt. The blocks take forever to lay out properly and there are many ways to make errors in the orientation and position of the block elements. I have been procrastinating about sitting down and facing…