Bookshops of London
Londoners certainly appreciate their bookstores. I have a number of favorites which I always try to visit when I can. Daunt Books is in Marylebone, a fancy London neighborhood. When you go in, it is like entering a church. Doesn't the light from that back window set off the shelves of books? My number one…
I’m at Fortnum & Mason and I’m Never Leaving
We had been to Fortnum and Mason previously but had never taken the time to explore the lower food court. Fortnum and Mason is known for their selection of teas, and that is what we had concentrated on. We were really missing out on an extraordinary experience. I never realized how extensive their offerings were. …
Loving London
We are having such a great time in London. We've had gin cocktails at a Victorian/Steampunk style place called Phineas Foggs. I got to visit Daunt Books in Marylebone. And I picked up the new Tracy Chevalier book A Silver Thread. Tracy wrote The Girl with the Pearl Earring if you recall. This latest book…
Our Favorite B&B
Our favorite B&B is one we discovered two years ago by a happy accident. We had planned a drive to the town of Enniscorthy and there was a mixup in our hotel reservation. The hotel employee recommended a B&B outside of town called Anam Cara, which luckily had room for us. We drove over to…
Kilkenny and Waterford
We are off to a great beginning with our trip through southern Ireland. We left on a three-day drive in the south of Ireland and had a lovely time when we stopped in the colorful city of Kilkenny. I am not even sure what this alley full of umbrellas was all about, but it sure…
Dublin, I Have Missed You
We have arrived in Dublin and are nicely settled in at our son's house. Our flight was ok, seats not so comfortable, but we did upgrade our food, which was a great idea. Best meal I have ever had on a plane! That first Cappucino upon arrival was wonderful. Ahren went to so much trouble…
Taking Pleasure in Small Things
I waited for the longest time, but the hummingbirds knew I was lurking and just wouldn't come to the feeder. With these last days of summer, in the days before our annual trip to Ireland, I have been enjoying the simpler things in my life. It has been fairly hectic, trying to prepare for the…
Packing and a Couple of New Favorites
I've been packing for our annual trip to visit our son Ahren in Ireland. We leave in just over a week, and I am determined not to overpack this time. I swear the last two years I packed ten outfits and ended up wearing the same three over and over again. I set up my…
Perfect “Thanks for Having Me” Gift
Eva has been invited to a sleepover on the occasion of one of her friend's birthday. The mom requested "no gifts", but you know how that goes. You feel as though you need to mark the occasion with something. I thought it would be fun, and not "too much" to give a little pencil case. …