These happy California poppies are growing outside my house on a hill. Nothing kills them off, not even fires. They re-seed and merrily reappear year after year, blooming from February all the way through to the end of summer. They are native plants in our area and grow freely in the hills and other open places. If they have any preferences, I am told it is for sun and poor soil!
In 1890 they were voted the state flower of California, a great choice for the "Golden State". April 6 is the state Poppy Day, which I missed this year somehow. There is a wide spread myth that it is illegal to pick or destroy California poppy plants, but that is untrue. If one were to smoke the extract from the California poppy plant, I am told that it is not illegal, and that it would have a mild sedative effect, much milder than opium, and that it is non-addictive.
I have no plans to smoke a California poppy (or anything else for that matter), but must say I do enjoy seeing them bobbing away in the breeze on the hill outside my house.
Happy weekend friends, and stay well!
4 responses to “Poppies on the Hill”
Pretty bobbing poppies!
Pretty bobbing poppies!
Well they certainly are gorgeous.
Well they certainly are gorgeous.