I read a lot of books in 2018, but I also encountered some that "just weren't for me". In other words, books I disliked. What is your philosophy on finishing a book you are not enjoying? I used to think I should try to stick it out until the end. After all, 1) I'd paid good money for it, 2) I'm not a quitter, 3) I'd already put X amount of time into it, 4) Maybe it would get better?.
At some point I decided that was nuts. If you are not "into" a book, you tend to slow down your reading pace and it takes longer than ever to finish because you just aren't picking it up. Reading a book you are not enjoying takes time away from reading something you would love. Modern Mrs. Darcy addressed this issue in an interesting blog post. She says quitting a book she doesn't like is the best thing she ever did for her reading life! Check out her blog post and see if you agree.
Anyway, on to the books I finished and was disappointed by, or that I flat out DNF'd. (Did Not Finish). Some of these books have gotten great reviews, but just were not right for me. If you read any of these books and loved them, please weigh in with a comment describing why.
My biggest book disappointment of the year was
Oh boy, was I ever looking forward to reading this book. I love Kate Morton and own a hardback copy of everything she has ever written. I wanted The Clockmaker's Daughter so much that I tried to persuade my husband to let me buy it when we were in London, since it came out there a couple of months before the US release date. Thank goodness he nixed the idea of me packing a five hundred page book into my luggage. When I finally got a copy I dived in to find there were way way too many characters, a confusing time line, a very hard to follow plot and was just plain drudgery to get through. I did finish it, but it took forever because I made every excuse I could think of not to pick it up.
Let me say that loads of folks loved this book. Pachinko by Min Jin Lee is a popular book club selection and was nominated for the National Book Award. It has over a four star rating on Goodreads. This book is a family saga (normally a favorite genre for me) that follows a Korean family though four generations of life in both Korea and Japan. What I found annoying was that the book would devote chapters and chapters to one character, and go into great detail in both descriptions and character development, then jump ahead to some other character and breeze through decades in a few pages. We got to know a couple of the characters, but the rest just seemed undeveloped. I found the book uneven to say the least, and extremely slow going. I finished this one too, but could have read five other books in the time it took me to slog through it.
The Immortalists by Chloe Benjamin is a critically acclaimed book that I hated. The four Gold children see a fortune teller who tells them all the date that they will die. We follow the teenagers over the next four decades and see what happens to them. The premise of the book seems to be the philosophical debate over the fate that is determined for us and whether we have a choice in the matter. The characters were all so loathsome I began to wish for their demise. I finished this book too and wish that I hadn't.
David Sedaris is a humorist who has a big following of fans. I will not be one of them. Calypso is a series of "humorous" essays that follow events that supposedly happened to him. His humor is occasionally witty, but for the most part is juvenile, vulgar, and mean spirited. He makes fun of old people who have diarrhea accidents, he makes degrading remarks at the expense of disabled people, and there is one episode involving a turtle that is so disgusting I won't describe it. I got about two thirds of the way through this book and actually threw it in the trash.
So there you have it, my Worst Books of 2018. I'd love to hear from you as to how you feel about "having" to finish a book you aren't enjoying, and also what books you may have on your "most disappointing" list.
60 responses to “Reading Duds”
A good book review (regardless of the opinion of the book) can save a lot of time. Thanks for this set of reviews as much as the favorite books. I did laugh when you said you began hoping for the demise of some characters. I’m not unfamiliar with that feeling, although it is infrequent. Here’s to happy reading in 2019!
A good book review (regardless of the opinion of the book) can save a lot of time. Thanks for this set of reviews as much as the favorite books. I did laugh when you said you began hoping for the demise of some characters. I’m not unfamiliar with that feeling, although it is infrequent. Here’s to happy reading in 2019!
A good book review (regardless of the opinion of the book) can save a lot of time. Thanks for this set of reviews as much as the favorite books. I did laugh when you said you began hoping for the demise of some characters. I’m not unfamiliar with that feeling, although it is infrequent. Here’s to happy reading in 2019!
Many years ago I started reading “Secrets of the Temple” about the Federal Reserve and how they control money.
It took me 5 years to read the book.
But I read a ton of other books during that time.
The problem with the book was that it was extremely technical about micro- and macro-economics. . . and while I am interested, and work in an accounting environment, it was just too much to read at any one sitting.
But I was bound and determined to finish it. . .which I did.
Another book that took me forever was Anna Karenina. . . too many characters with too similar names that I kept getting confused as to who was involved with whom.
But it did not take me 5 years to get through that one. LOL
Have a lovely day.
Many years ago I started reading “Secrets of the Temple” about the Federal Reserve and how they control money.
It took me 5 years to read the book.
But I read a ton of other books during that time.
The problem with the book was that it was extremely technical about micro- and macro-economics. . . and while I am interested, and work in an accounting environment, it was just too much to read at any one sitting.
But I was bound and determined to finish it. . .which I did.
Another book that took me forever was Anna Karenina. . . too many characters with too similar names that I kept getting confused as to who was involved with whom.
But it did not take me 5 years to get through that one. LOL
Have a lovely day.
Many years ago I started reading “Secrets of the Temple” about the Federal Reserve and how they control money.
It took me 5 years to read the book.
But I read a ton of other books during that time.
The problem with the book was that it was extremely technical about micro- and macro-economics. . . and while I am interested, and work in an accounting environment, it was just too much to read at any one sitting.
But I was bound and determined to finish it. . .which I did.
Another book that took me forever was Anna Karenina. . . too many characters with too similar names that I kept getting confused as to who was involved with whom.
But it did not take me 5 years to get through that one. LOL
Have a lovely day.
Thanks for these helpful “heads up” about these books. I am one who doesn’t finish book I don’t enjoy. To me, that’s a waste of time.
As for David Sedaris’ poor humor ()?) in those essapys, I was reminded of something a comedian said long, long ago and I cannot remember who said it: “Never make fun of someone who cannot change the ‘funny’ thing about themeselves in les than five minutes.’ That’s really not a direct quote but you get the drivt. Mr. Sedaris’ jokes are hurtful and that’s not funny.
Here is to good books and libraries!
Thanks for these helpful “heads up” about these books. I am one who doesn’t finish book I don’t enjoy. To me, that’s a waste of time.
As for David Sedaris’ poor humor ()?) in those essapys, I was reminded of something a comedian said long, long ago and I cannot remember who said it: “Never make fun of someone who cannot change the ‘funny’ thing about themeselves in les than five minutes.’ That’s really not a direct quote but you get the drivt. Mr. Sedaris’ jokes are hurtful and that’s not funny.
Here is to good books and libraries!
Thanks for these helpful “heads up” about these books. I am one who doesn’t finish book I don’t enjoy. To me, that’s a waste of time.
As for David Sedaris’ poor humor ()?) in those essapys, I was reminded of something a comedian said long, long ago and I cannot remember who said it: “Never make fun of someone who cannot change the ‘funny’ thing about themeselves in les than five minutes.’ That’s really not a direct quote but you get the drivt. Mr. Sedaris’ jokes are hurtful and that’s not funny.
Here is to good books and libraries!
Thanks for saving me precious time I can’t get back with the heads up on the Dave Sedaris book!
Thanks for saving me precious time I can’t get back with the heads up on the Dave Sedaris book!
Thanks for saving me precious time I can’t get back with the heads up on the Dave Sedaris book!
I have always dropped books that weren’t doing anything for me; although I obviously do sometimes slog through & finish some. But in the past few years there are just so many sources of info on interesting new books, that I now DNF more often. No guilt! It’s supposed to be enjoyable, right? And there are far too many better or more interesting books to read to waste hours on something mediocre! Thanks for the heads-up on these, because I’ve seen a lot of raves for them.
I have always dropped books that weren’t doing anything for me; although I obviously do sometimes slog through & finish some. But in the past few years there are just so many sources of info on interesting new books, that I now DNF more often. No guilt! It’s supposed to be enjoyable, right? And there are far too many better or more interesting books to read to waste hours on something mediocre! Thanks for the heads-up on these, because I’ve seen a lot of raves for them.
I have always dropped books that weren’t doing anything for me; although I obviously do sometimes slog through & finish some. But in the past few years there are just so many sources of info on interesting new books, that I now DNF more often. No guilt! It’s supposed to be enjoyable, right? And there are far too many better or more interesting books to read to waste hours on something mediocre! Thanks for the heads-up on these, because I’ve seen a lot of raves for them.
It has been a long time since I purchased a book before I read it. And reviews only go so far. This goes for movies as well as books. Some of the worst movies I have watched were award-winning but not someting I am interested in watching. We have a wonderful library that I use a lot, and it is painless to try a couple recommended books (or movies) and return if they don’t grab me. It is often just a matter of reading 2 or 3 pages and you know. Like you, I have a few authors I will watch for new books (and have binge-read everything they wrote) but still only get them at the Library. The only time we purchase a book is if we know we need it for reference and will go back to it again and again, of if we have found a spiritual book(s) by authors that the library will never stock. My personal library shelves are full and I need to keep weeding out books no longer important to me to make room for those couple that we do buy. But reading is the best, and worth the struggle to sift through the junk for those lovely gems! Good post. Thanks!
It has been a long time since I purchased a book before I read it. And reviews only go so far. This goes for movies as well as books. Some of the worst movies I have watched were award-winning but not someting I am interested in watching. We have a wonderful library that I use a lot, and it is painless to try a couple recommended books (or movies) and return if they don’t grab me. It is often just a matter of reading 2 or 3 pages and you know. Like you, I have a few authors I will watch for new books (and have binge-read everything they wrote) but still only get them at the Library. The only time we purchase a book is if we know we need it for reference and will go back to it again and again, of if we have found a spiritual book(s) by authors that the library will never stock. My personal library shelves are full and I need to keep weeding out books no longer important to me to make room for those couple that we do buy. But reading is the best, and worth the struggle to sift through the junk for those lovely gems! Good post. Thanks!
It has been a long time since I purchased a book before I read it. And reviews only go so far. This goes for movies as well as books. Some of the worst movies I have watched were award-winning but not someting I am interested in watching. We have a wonderful library that I use a lot, and it is painless to try a couple recommended books (or movies) and return if they don’t grab me. It is often just a matter of reading 2 or 3 pages and you know. Like you, I have a few authors I will watch for new books (and have binge-read everything they wrote) but still only get them at the Library. The only time we purchase a book is if we know we need it for reference and will go back to it again and again, of if we have found a spiritual book(s) by authors that the library will never stock. My personal library shelves are full and I need to keep weeding out books no longer important to me to make room for those couple that we do buy. But reading is the best, and worth the struggle to sift through the junk for those lovely gems! Good post. Thanks!
I’ve both toughed it out & stopped reading books. I do agree not finishing a book when it’s not what I consider ‘a good read’ is where I am right now. I’m not going to waste my time. I proofread for an author friend & finishing her’s would be a necessary thing, so thank goodness I enjoy her style & stories!
I’ve both toughed it out & stopped reading books. I do agree not finishing a book when it’s not what I consider ‘a good read’ is where I am right now. I’m not going to waste my time. I proofread for an author friend & finishing her’s would be a necessary thing, so thank goodness I enjoy her style & stories!
I’ve both toughed it out & stopped reading books. I do agree not finishing a book when it’s not what I consider ‘a good read’ is where I am right now. I’m not going to waste my time. I proofread for an author friend & finishing her’s would be a necessary thing, so thank goodness I enjoy her style & stories!
I was this ‘I need to finish this book’ kind of girl but not anymore. Now if I don’t like a book I just stop reading it (okay short peek to the end first but then put it aside). There are so many good books out there why should I spend my time with a book I don’t like?
I also discovered that a lot of award books are not my kind of books. Don’t know why they get an award and for what but often there are not good books.
I was this ‘I need to finish this book’ kind of girl but not anymore. Now if I don’t like a book I just stop reading it (okay short peek to the end first but then put it aside). There are so many good books out there why should I spend my time with a book I don’t like?
I also discovered that a lot of award books are not my kind of books. Don’t know why they get an award and for what but often there are not good books.
I was this ‘I need to finish this book’ kind of girl but not anymore. Now if I don’t like a book I just stop reading it (okay short peek to the end first but then put it aside). There are so many good books out there why should I spend my time with a book I don’t like?
I also discovered that a lot of award books are not my kind of books. Don’t know why they get an award and for what but often there are not good books.
I have slogged through several books, but this year, I gave up on A Whistle in the Dark by Emma Healey and I wish I had given up on Impossible Views of the World by Lucy Ives. Too many short thoughts that didn’t seem to be any relationship to the story for the first and too Millennial view points for the latter, I think. I also thought that it would surely get better and it just didn’t. What a waste of time!
I have issues with having too many to read and running out of time and just not getting to everything. I need to figure out how to get better about choosing the books I spend time with.
I have slogged through several books, but this year, I gave up on A Whistle in the Dark by Emma Healey and I wish I had given up on Impossible Views of the World by Lucy Ives. Too many short thoughts that didn’t seem to be any relationship to the story for the first and too Millennial view points for the latter, I think. I also thought that it would surely get better and it just didn’t. What a waste of time!
I have issues with having too many to read and running out of time and just not getting to everything. I need to figure out how to get better about choosing the books I spend time with.
I have slogged through several books, but this year, I gave up on A Whistle in the Dark by Emma Healey and I wish I had given up on Impossible Views of the World by Lucy Ives. Too many short thoughts that didn’t seem to be any relationship to the story for the first and too Millennial view points for the latter, I think. I also thought that it would surely get better and it just didn’t. What a waste of time!
I have issues with having too many to read and running out of time and just not getting to everything. I need to figure out how to get better about choosing the books I spend time with.
I’ve loved David Sedaris for years. Perhaps it is because, as my children say, I have a sick sense of humor. Have not seen this book yet.
I feel perfectly at ease not finishing a book. If I don’t like it sometimes I read the end and occasionally will go back and see how it got there. Another thing my family considers weird.
I’ve loved David Sedaris for years. Perhaps it is because, as my children say, I have a sick sense of humor. Have not seen this book yet.
I feel perfectly at ease not finishing a book. If I don’t like it sometimes I read the end and occasionally will go back and see how it got there. Another thing my family considers weird.
I’ve loved David Sedaris for years. Perhaps it is because, as my children say, I have a sick sense of humor. Have not seen this book yet.
I feel perfectly at ease not finishing a book. If I don’t like it sometimes I read the end and occasionally will go back and see how it got there. Another thing my family considers weird.
So funny….. I had tried to read all but one of your duds and ended up quitting!!!!
My personal rule is that if by 50 pages I am confused or not enjoying the read, I move on. I read for pleasure, not because I have to.
But, I also get 99 % of my books from the library, so I’m not out money which makes it easier for me to move on to the next book!
So funny….. I had tried to read all but one of your duds and ended up quitting!!!!
My personal rule is that if by 50 pages I am confused or not enjoying the read, I move on. I read for pleasure, not because I have to.
But, I also get 99 % of my books from the library, so I’m not out money which makes it easier for me to move on to the next book!
So funny….. I had tried to read all but one of your duds and ended up quitting!!!!
My personal rule is that if by 50 pages I am confused or not enjoying the read, I move on. I read for pleasure, not because I have to.
But, I also get 99 % of my books from the library, so I’m not out money which makes it easier for me to move on to the next book!
Since I get most of my reads from the local library after perusing their monthly paper of new books and reviews, I don’t feel I have to finish a book out of guilt because I bought it. I don’t think I’ve not finished a book in the last year, but I wouldn’t hesitate to do so. Time is too short to waste! I really appreciate your reviews and have found some good reads through your comments.
I also do not hesitate to “quit” a quilt project if I’m not feeling the love. I worked on one quilt for over a month…had spent a fortune on the kit, and finally realized that I hated the fabric, it did not make me happy, and I didn’t want to waste time finishing. It was so satisfying to toss it in the garbage. Yep, that’s what I did.
Since I get most of my reads from the local library after perusing their monthly paper of new books and reviews, I don’t feel I have to finish a book out of guilt because I bought it. I don’t think I’ve not finished a book in the last year, but I wouldn’t hesitate to do so. Time is too short to waste! I really appreciate your reviews and have found some good reads through your comments.
I also do not hesitate to “quit” a quilt project if I’m not feeling the love. I worked on one quilt for over a month…had spent a fortune on the kit, and finally realized that I hated the fabric, it did not make me happy, and I didn’t want to waste time finishing. It was so satisfying to toss it in the garbage. Yep, that’s what I did.
Since I get most of my reads from the local library after perusing their monthly paper of new books and reviews, I don’t feel I have to finish a book out of guilt because I bought it. I don’t think I’ve not finished a book in the last year, but I wouldn’t hesitate to do so. Time is too short to waste! I really appreciate your reviews and have found some good reads through your comments.
I also do not hesitate to “quit” a quilt project if I’m not feeling the love. I worked on one quilt for over a month…had spent a fortune on the kit, and finally realized that I hated the fabric, it did not make me happy, and I didn’t want to waste time finishing. It was so satisfying to toss it in the garbage. Yep, that’s what I did.
In a high school reading class (yes, we just sat and read…bliss!) our teacher gave us permission to stop reading a book we weren’t enjoying. Her advice was give the author approximately 50 pages or a few chapters, which were adjusted according to the size of the book. If we weren’t engaged at all we could consider stopping. If moderately interested give it a bit more. I cannot tell how many times over the years this has been my practice and I never regret it.
In a high school reading class (yes, we just sat and read…bliss!) our teacher gave us permission to stop reading a book we weren’t enjoying. Her advice was give the author approximately 50 pages or a few chapters, which were adjusted according to the size of the book. If we weren’t engaged at all we could consider stopping. If moderately interested give it a bit more. I cannot tell how many times over the years this has been my practice and I never regret it.
In a high school reading class (yes, we just sat and read…bliss!) our teacher gave us permission to stop reading a book we weren’t enjoying. Her advice was give the author approximately 50 pages or a few chapters, which were adjusted according to the size of the book. If we weren’t engaged at all we could consider stopping. If moderately interested give it a bit more. I cannot tell how many times over the years this has been my practice and I never regret it.
Wow what a great post! I used to try to tough it out and read every line of a book, even if it did not interest me. No more! I have found especially some of the kindle books have left me not wanting to finish them. Because I review books, there are some I really should finish, but may end up just skimming the conversations, trying to make it to the end. The one book I really did not like this past year was reviewed on my southern hospitality blog – https://justalittlesouthernhospitality.blogspot.com/2018/11/wait-for-me-review.html
I’m trying to become more discerning is my reading, as once I find an author I like, I tend to want to read everything they have written. And like what was said, there are only so many hours in the day. So lets use them for enjoyment 🙂
Wow what a great post! I used to try to tough it out and read every line of a book, even if it did not interest me. No more! I have found especially some of the kindle books have left me not wanting to finish them. Because I review books, there are some I really should finish, but may end up just skimming the conversations, trying to make it to the end. The one book I really did not like this past year was reviewed on my southern hospitality blog – https://justalittlesouthernhospitality.blogspot.com/2018/11/wait-for-me-review.html
I’m trying to become more discerning is my reading, as once I find an author I like, I tend to want to read everything they have written. And like what was said, there are only so many hours in the day. So lets use them for enjoyment 🙂
Wow what a great post! I used to try to tough it out and read every line of a book, even if it did not interest me. No more! I have found especially some of the kindle books have left me not wanting to finish them. Because I review books, there are some I really should finish, but may end up just skimming the conversations, trying to make it to the end. The one book I really did not like this past year was reviewed on my southern hospitality blog – https://justalittlesouthernhospitality.blogspot.com/2018/11/wait-for-me-review.html
I’m trying to become more discerning is my reading, as once I find an author I like, I tend to want to read everything they have written. And like what was said, there are only so many hours in the day. So lets use them for enjoyment 🙂
I have so enjoyed your posts about books! Im a reader as much as a quilter – some days are just meant for one or the other. I used to commit to finishing a book. Then I read a particularly terrible one and never again. If I pick it up a few times and am not engaged, it’s gone. There are so many fabulous books to read – anything by Charles Todd, Louise Penny, Elly Griffiths, Jacqueline Winspear. I just loved Prairie Fires, The Luster of Lost Things, the Broken Girls, Orphan Train and Becoming by Michelle Obama. So many more wonderful books to read. Thanks for the reviews!
I have so enjoyed your posts about books! Im a reader as much as a quilter – some days are just meant for one or the other. I used to commit to finishing a book. Then I read a particularly terrible one and never again. If I pick it up a few times and am not engaged, it’s gone. There are so many fabulous books to read – anything by Charles Todd, Louise Penny, Elly Griffiths, Jacqueline Winspear. I just loved Prairie Fires, The Luster of Lost Things, the Broken Girls, Orphan Train and Becoming by Michelle Obama. So many more wonderful books to read. Thanks for the reviews!
I have so enjoyed your posts about books! Im a reader as much as a quilter – some days are just meant for one or the other. I used to commit to finishing a book. Then I read a particularly terrible one and never again. If I pick it up a few times and am not engaged, it’s gone. There are so many fabulous books to read – anything by Charles Todd, Louise Penny, Elly Griffiths, Jacqueline Winspear. I just loved Prairie Fires, The Luster of Lost Things, the Broken Girls, Orphan Train and Becoming by Michelle Obama. So many more wonderful books to read. Thanks for the reviews!
Lol you crack me up! I half expected you to say you doused the book in kerosene and lit it on fire! What a disappointment for sure. Thanks for the warnings 🙂
Lol you crack me up! I half expected you to say you doused the book in kerosene and lit it on fire! What a disappointment for sure. Thanks for the warnings 🙂
Lol you crack me up! I half expected you to say you doused the book in kerosene and lit it on fire! What a disappointment for sure. Thanks for the warnings 🙂
Most of the time I read books from the library and if I do not enjoy a book or find it a struggle to read I just bring it back and do not force myself anymore to finish it. I used to think I had to finish a book but life is to short for a bad books.
Most of the time I read books from the library and if I do not enjoy a book or find it a struggle to read I just bring it back and do not force myself anymore to finish it. I used to think I had to finish a book but life is to short for a bad books.
Most of the time I read books from the library and if I do not enjoy a book or find it a struggle to read I just bring it back and do not force myself anymore to finish it. I used to think I had to finish a book but life is to short for a bad books.
I have loved all of your book reviews and often take your advice! I also read The Immortalist and did not particularly care for it… I finished it but kept asking myself -Why. I have a very long list already for 2019. Have you read The Shadow of the Wind by Carlos Ruiz Zafon? It came highly recommended by the salesman at Barnes & Noble.
I have loved all of your book reviews and often take your advice! I also read The Immortalist and did not particularly care for it… I finished it but kept asking myself -Why. I have a very long list already for 2019. Have you read The Shadow of the Wind by Carlos Ruiz Zafon? It came highly recommended by the salesman at Barnes & Noble.
I have loved all of your book reviews and often take your advice! I also read The Immortalist and did not particularly care for it… I finished it but kept asking myself -Why. I have a very long list already for 2019. Have you read The Shadow of the Wind by Carlos Ruiz Zafon? It came highly recommended by the salesman at Barnes & Noble.
this does strike a chord with me, so many books have turned out to be a big disappointment!
At the moment I am trying to slog though Jonathan Franzen’s “the twenty seventh city” but finding it hard going. I did so enjoy his “freedom” and “the corrections”. Although well written and full of characters with depth its just not doing it for me.
Will give it a couple more chapters.
this does strike a chord with me, so many books have turned out to be a big disappointment!
At the moment I am trying to slog though Jonathan Franzen’s “the twenty seventh city” but finding it hard going. I did so enjoy his “freedom” and “the corrections”. Although well written and full of characters with depth its just not doing it for me.
Will give it a couple more chapters.
this does strike a chord with me, so many books have turned out to be a big disappointment!
At the moment I am trying to slog though Jonathan Franzen’s “the twenty seventh city” but finding it hard going. I did so enjoy his “freedom” and “the corrections”. Although well written and full of characters with depth its just not doing it for me.
Will give it a couple more chapters.
Agree on The Clockmakers Daughter! “On paper” should have been great, but found it tedious.
Agree on The Clockmakers Daughter! “On paper” should have been great, but found it tedious.
Agree on The Clockmakers Daughter! “On paper” should have been great, but found it tedious.