

My plan to sit on the sidelines while my husband and son did all the work in the garden failed miserably.  When my idea of doing a bit of hand sewing in the shade was met with incredulity, I soon found myself up to my elbows in potting soil, wet spagnum moss, and fertilizer.  Three trips to the garden center and many hours later, we could see that things were shaping up rather well.  We planted roses, petuntias, geraniums, marigolds, allysum, lobelia, bacopa, herbs and a few other things whose names escape me.  The hydrangeas will have to wait for another day.   It is my profound hope that the big bag of snail bait we scattered all around will prevent the nasty creatures from eating everything we put into the ground!

My husband and I rewarded ourselves last night with a nice bottle of wine and a cozy fire on the patio.


8 responses to “Relaxing”

  1. The fire looks so nice. It was warm well into the evening here, too hot for a fire. Your flowers are lovely. You have the perfect weather for it!

  2. The fire looks so nice. It was warm well into the evening here, too hot for a fire. Your flowers are lovely. You have the perfect weather for it!

  3. The trick is to bumble around with a really big pair of clippers asking how you can help. Then you are usually shown a seat on the sidelines and told ‘you’ll be called just as soon as they need you…’
    So can Rick and I invite ourselves up for a weekend sometimes soon? I would love to take him to the Corkscrew for lunch some warm, Saturday afternoon.

  4. The trick is to bumble around with a really big pair of clippers asking how you can help. Then you are usually shown a seat on the sidelines and told ‘you’ll be called just as soon as they need you…’
    So can Rick and I invite ourselves up for a weekend sometimes soon? I would love to take him to the Corkscrew for lunch some warm, Saturday afternoon.