Roses Roses Roses


Our roses are going bananas this year.  This big bouquet of yellow ones that my husband brought in the house didn't even make a dent in the profusion of blooms on the bush!  You couldn't even tell any were missing.  I am not the only one with beaucoups bouquets.  Everyone is remarking how amazing the roses are this year.  The first crop is always the best, but this year is astonishing.


I know it seems like bringing coals to Newcastle, but these red roses were from the florist in honor of our 45th anniversary.  Can you even believe I have been married that long?  Yes, I was married pretty young by today's standards, but that is a heck of a long time.  In five years I could be one of those old people who have their picture in the newspaper for their 50th.  (No, I won't be doing that).

Look at my Mickey Mouse water cup on the left.  I wanted a distinctive cup that no one else in the family would take, and this is what I chose.  No one in this house is very respectful of what I declare is MINE, but for some reason everyone leaves my Mickey Mouse cup alone!  Go figure.

Hope you are all having a splendid week!

54 responses to “Roses Roses Roses”

  1. Lovely roses it will be some time before we see them here.
    Congratulations on the wedding anniversary, you must indeed have been a child bride.

  2. Lovely roses it will be some time before we see them here.
    Congratulations on the wedding anniversary, you must indeed have been a child bride.

  3. Lovely roses it will be some time before we see them here.
    Congratulations on the wedding anniversary, you must indeed have been a child bride.

  4. Congratulations to you and your husband on your wedding anniversary! I wish you many more happy and healthy years together. (I am shocked that you have been married longer than I am alive, you look so young in your pictures.)

  5. Congratulations to you and your husband on your wedding anniversary! I wish you many more happy and healthy years together. (I am shocked that you have been married longer than I am alive, you look so young in your pictures.)

  6. Congratulations to you and your husband on your wedding anniversary! I wish you many more happy and healthy years together. (I am shocked that you have been married longer than I am alive, you look so young in your pictures.)

  7. The roses are gorgeous. Congratulations on the anniversary. We are heading for #42 in July. I know what you mean about “how is that possible”. I felt that way when my oldest turned 40 this year too! I don’t even think about how old I am!

  8. The roses are gorgeous. Congratulations on the anniversary. We are heading for #42 in July. I know what you mean about “how is that possible”. I felt that way when my oldest turned 40 this year too! I don’t even think about how old I am!

  9. The roses are gorgeous. Congratulations on the anniversary. We are heading for #42 in July. I know what you mean about “how is that possible”. I felt that way when my oldest turned 40 this year too! I don’t even think about how old I am!

  10. Congratulations on your anniversary! The roses are gorgeous! I’m guessing as the day goes on you’ll hear from many of your blogging friends who were married ‘young by today’s standards!’ We’re coming up on 43 years in November. Here’s to many more happy years to come for all of us ‘child brides!’

  11. Congratulations on your anniversary! The roses are gorgeous! I’m guessing as the day goes on you’ll hear from many of your blogging friends who were married ‘young by today’s standards!’ We’re coming up on 43 years in November. Here’s to many more happy years to come for all of us ‘child brides!’

  12. Congratulations on your anniversary! The roses are gorgeous! I’m guessing as the day goes on you’ll hear from many of your blogging friends who were married ‘young by today’s standards!’ We’re coming up on 43 years in November. Here’s to many more happy years to come for all of us ‘child brides!’

  13. What beautiful roses – wish there was scratch-n-sniff on computers! Perhaps this year I’ll treat myself to a yellow rose bush. Yours makes lovely roses!
    Cheers on your 45th Wedding Anniversary!! Our 42 was just yesterday. DH had been 21 for two days when we married and I was 21 six days after we married! How have 42 years passed? A blink and here we are with grown kids. Impossible.

  14. What beautiful roses – wish there was scratch-n-sniff on computers! Perhaps this year I’ll treat myself to a yellow rose bush. Yours makes lovely roses!
    Cheers on your 45th Wedding Anniversary!! Our 42 was just yesterday. DH had been 21 for two days when we married and I was 21 six days after we married! How have 42 years passed? A blink and here we are with grown kids. Impossible.

  15. What beautiful roses – wish there was scratch-n-sniff on computers! Perhaps this year I’ll treat myself to a yellow rose bush. Yours makes lovely roses!
    Cheers on your 45th Wedding Anniversary!! Our 42 was just yesterday. DH had been 21 for two days when we married and I was 21 six days after we married! How have 42 years passed? A blink and here we are with grown kids. Impossible.

  16. Happy Anniversary !
    It will be 43 years for us this year .
    My roses are going crazy too ! I wonder why we have such a abundance of them this year ???

  17. Happy Anniversary !
    It will be 43 years for us this year .
    My roses are going crazy too ! I wonder why we have such a abundance of them this year ???

  18. Happy Anniversary !
    It will be 43 years for us this year .
    My roses are going crazy too ! I wonder why we have such a abundance of them this year ???

  19. Happy anniversary for you and your husband!I read your blog for a few years now and feel like knowing you! My husband and I will have a 20th anniversary soon, with the oldest boy turning 19… Be happy!
    love, Simone from Romania

  20. Happy anniversary for you and your husband!I read your blog for a few years now and feel like knowing you! My husband and I will have a 20th anniversary soon, with the oldest boy turning 19… Be happy!
    love, Simone from Romania

  21. Happy anniversary for you and your husband!I read your blog for a few years now and feel like knowing you! My husband and I will have a 20th anniversary soon, with the oldest boy turning 19… Be happy!
    love, Simone from Romania

  22. Oh. My gosh Mom, I’m sorry I used your clarisonic!! But you didn’t have to hide my face scrubby brush. Lol, we mostly respect your stuff…

  23. Oh. My gosh Mom, I’m sorry I used your clarisonic!! But you didn’t have to hide my face scrubby brush. Lol, we mostly respect your stuff…

  24. Oh. My gosh Mom, I’m sorry I used your clarisonic!! But you didn’t have to hide my face scrubby brush. Lol, we mostly respect your stuff…

  25. Happy Anniversary, and congratulations! 45 years is no small feat. We hit 34 this year. I’m still laughing about your cup. We have the same problem here. I even tried getting my name on my cup. Didn’t work.

  26. Happy Anniversary, and congratulations! 45 years is no small feat. We hit 34 this year. I’m still laughing about your cup. We have the same problem here. I even tried getting my name on my cup. Didn’t work.

  27. Happy Anniversary, and congratulations! 45 years is no small feat. We hit 34 this year. I’m still laughing about your cup. We have the same problem here. I even tried getting my name on my cup. Didn’t work.

  28. We have our 45th anniversary in August.
    Congrats on yours.
    My roses are starting to bloom but not as prolific as yours.
    Here’s to 50+.

  29. We have our 45th anniversary in August.
    Congrats on yours.
    My roses are starting to bloom but not as prolific as yours.
    Here’s to 50+.

  30. We have our 45th anniversary in August.
    Congrats on yours.
    My roses are starting to bloom but not as prolific as yours.
    Here’s to 50+.

  31. Nothing nicer than fresh roses from the garden. How lovely 45 years, in this day that’s an accomplishment. Congratulations! I told my guy I’ve taken out a 30 year mortgage on him, we are in our early 50’s and got together last fall after a 6 year friendship and years of support for each other. I hope we last 1/2 as long as you and your guy!

  32. Nothing nicer than fresh roses from the garden. How lovely 45 years, in this day that’s an accomplishment. Congratulations! I told my guy I’ve taken out a 30 year mortgage on him, we are in our early 50’s and got together last fall after a 6 year friendship and years of support for each other. I hope we last 1/2 as long as you and your guy!

  33. Nothing nicer than fresh roses from the garden. How lovely 45 years, in this day that’s an accomplishment. Congratulations! I told my guy I’ve taken out a 30 year mortgage on him, we are in our early 50’s and got together last fall after a 6 year friendship and years of support for each other. I hope we last 1/2 as long as you and your guy!

  34. Congratulations on your 45th wedding anniversary!! You must have been very young when you were married, you look so young in your photos!
    Your roses are amazing! Love the yellow ones…of course!!!

  35. Congratulations on your 45th wedding anniversary!! You must have been very young when you were married, you look so young in your photos!
    Your roses are amazing! Love the yellow ones…of course!!!

  36. Congratulations on your 45th wedding anniversary!! You must have been very young when you were married, you look so young in your photos!
    Your roses are amazing! Love the yellow ones…of course!!!

  37. The roses are gorgeous.
    I can’t imagine why no one wants to use your Mickey cup. Don’t they know how “magical” it is?

  38. The roses are gorgeous.
    I can’t imagine why no one wants to use your Mickey cup. Don’t they know how “magical” it is?

  39. The roses are gorgeous.
    I can’t imagine why no one wants to use your Mickey cup. Don’t they know how “magical” it is?

  40. Beautiful roses! You certainly live in the best climate for them, just like South Australia! My parents will have been married 40 years in October. Mum won’t let me put a picture in the paper of them either !

  41. Beautiful roses! You certainly live in the best climate for them, just like South Australia! My parents will have been married 40 years in October. Mum won’t let me put a picture in the paper of them either !

  42. Beautiful roses! You certainly live in the best climate for them, just like South Australia! My parents will have been married 40 years in October. Mum won’t let me put a picture in the paper of them either !