
Sampler Block Resource


When I realized I needed more six inch blocks for the setting I have in mind for my BlockHeads1 sampler quilt, I started searching for block resources.  The Summer Moon Block of the Month was quite popular last year, and a book has been published to go along with the sew along.  The blocks in this book are in three sizes:  5 inch, 6 1/2 inch and 8 inch.  I knew the 6 1/2 inch size would work for me, so I ordered the book.  It is by Carrie Nelson, so I knew I couldn't really go wrong.

The book arrived while I was away last week, and I had a lovely time going through it Sunday afternoon while my husband and I watched the SuperBowl.  I have marked the pages of block instructions that will work great for my project and can't wait to get started on making the five or six extra blocks I need to finish up my BH1 sampler setting.  I am planning to surround the sampler blocks around a central appliqued medallion, which is also going to take some figuring out.  First the blocks, then the center!

We had a terrific time down in the desert.  The weather was gorgeous-temperatures in the high 70s every day.  I bought some new tee shirts and even wore shorts out by the pool.  Now that we are home, it is so much colder.  As I am writing this post at 6:30 AM, it is 27 degrees outside!  Back to reality.  Like Mr. Groundhog, I need to wait six more weeks for spring.

12 responses to “Sampler Block Resource”

  1. I am in the high desert (Apple Valley). It has gone cold here so your timing was great. It has to be cooler there too. That book looks like a great resource. Can’t wait to see your blocks.

  2. I am in the high desert (Apple Valley). It has gone cold here so your timing was great. It has to be cooler there too. That book looks like a great resource. Can’t wait to see your blocks.

  3. I am in the high desert (Apple Valley). It has gone cold here so your timing was great. It has to be cooler there too. That book looks like a great resource. Can’t wait to see your blocks.

  4. Nicole you and I have both loved Carries patterns from the moment we found them which is how and why I started reading your blog!
    I bought the summer moon book knowing that I would love it and I do. Last summer I used it to make a small wallhanging with several of the blocks. As always her patterns are so well written. Have fun!!

  5. Nicole you and I have both loved Carries patterns from the moment we found them which is how and why I started reading your blog!
    I bought the summer moon book knowing that I would love it and I do. Last summer I used it to make a small wallhanging with several of the blocks. As always her patterns are so well written. Have fun!!

  6. Nicole you and I have both loved Carries patterns from the moment we found them which is how and why I started reading your blog!
    I bought the summer moon book knowing that I would love it and I do. Last summer I used it to make a small wallhanging with several of the blocks. As always her patterns are so well written. Have fun!!