Sunflower Sisters Progress


The sunflower centers are coming along.  I have actually made 12 small ones and 10 large ones, but am considering making my project smaller than full sized.  I put up nine large blocks to see what it would look like if the top were three blocks by three blocks, and think I could live with it just fine since I plan to use the top as a table cloth.


Busy busy week for me.  Between working, running to the hospital to visit Grandpa and taking care of my little grandaughter, I just haven't had a minute.  My sunflower center strips are all lined up ready to be sewn, but do you think I have had a second to sit down and sew?  Nope.  And, look, there in the background is an unpacked box!  I should just put that out in the garage, it will be January by the time I get to unpacking it!

Hope you are all having a great week and getting more done than I am.

12 responses to “Sunflower Sisters Progress”

  1. Nicole, you are doing what needs to be done so don’t beat yourself for what remains to be done – everything in its time – I would say you have your priorities right.

  2. Nicole, you are doing what needs to be done so don’t beat yourself for what remains to be done – everything in its time – I would say you have your priorities right.

  3. Your quilt will be lovely no matter the size! I love using quilts on tabletops so go for it! Family comes first…everyone will understand that!

  4. Your quilt will be lovely no matter the size! I love using quilts on tabletops so go for it! Family comes first…everyone will understand that!

  5. Cheers for what you’ve manager to accomplish while being so busy!
    I suggest putting the box under the table but then I’m a clutterbug wanting to keep fabric close by. Besides, there could be bugs in the garage (good rationalization!).

  6. Cheers for what you’ve manager to accomplish while being so busy!
    I suggest putting the box under the table but then I’m a clutterbug wanting to keep fabric close by. Besides, there could be bugs in the garage (good rationalization!).

  7. Your strips look great and smaller is good too! Now I wonder I didn’t think outside of the box. I never thought of making it smaller. It will look great no matter the size.

  8. Your strips look great and smaller is good too! Now I wonder I didn’t think outside of the box. I never thought of making it smaller. It will look great no matter the size.

  9. You mustn’t need what’s in the box, so you may as well put in the shed. If you haven’t unpacked it by the time you move next, you never really needed it anyway!

  10. You mustn’t need what’s in the box, so you may as well put in the shed. If you haven’t unpacked it by the time you move next, you never really needed it anyway!