
Thankful and Do-Over Day


We got some bad news yesterday that has been partially taken back today.  That is Eva getting a smooch on the cheek from our Remy. (She was eating a cupcake and he had designs on those crumbs on her lips).   Poor little guy has been limping lately, and his right thigh muscles have gotten noticeably smaller (atrophy).  We got him into the vet yesterday and were told that he had injured himself awhile back and probably would need surgery to put a pin in his knee.  Oh, and there was a fuzzy area on the x-ray that might be cancer.

That is such a bad word, and certainly has terrible associations in my family.  But, today the lab results came back and our Rem does not have cancer.  (We are all doing a happy dance).  He just needs to have an expensive operation to repair his injury.  Ok, we will all deal with that.  Honestly, he is such a good dog, it pains me to think of not having him around forever.  He is technically Sara and Ryan's dog, but he spends a lot of time with us.  He and Ozzie are practically brothers.  (Think Devil/Angel).  Whew.  I just want to have Remy around for the foreseeable future.


Yesterday was my day off (and man, did I ever need a break from work).  I just spent it puttering around in my sewing room, and ended up doing a few blocks over again.  Do you ever do that?  You just aren't 100% satisfied with your first effort and cannot let it go. You finally succumb to the impulse to just make the thing over.  

My first do-over was the Triangle Gatherings block, above.  I just wasn't loving the block on the left.  That type of block is so tricky to do right.  If you are even a HAIR off in your seams, those lines will not line up perfectly.  It came out ok, it was just my least favorite block in the sew along.  Lisa Bongean (Primitive Gatherings) is still cranking out these variations of blocks you can make with sixteen half square triangles, and she published Block 76 recently, and I liked it so much I had to have it in my quilt.  It is pinwheels, how cute is that?  So I did a re-do and replaced the block on the left with the block on the right.

Ok, that was a successful Re-do.


Next up was my ModaBlockheads block of the week.  My first effort is on the left.  I like the contrast of the fabrics, as the block design is showcased really well, but the block came out so wonky, it was hardly square.  That bugged me no end.  So I remade the block with fabrics that had less of a contrast.  The block came out perfectly square and was executed well.  But I dunno, what do you think?  Which block is better?


Harrumph.  Not all Re-dos are an improvement.  I wanted to re-do my pumpkin/bird block on the left because I thought my appliqué wasn't so great.  I didn't use matching thread on the bobbin and it kind of showed through and bugged me.  So I thought I would re-make the block.  When the second block on the right was finished, the appliqué job was clearly better.  But the pumpkin shape is awful!  I had forgotten that I customized the appliqué pattern when I made it and did a nice fat symmetrical pumpkin.  Ugh.   This re-do was a fail.  My first bird is better too.

So, weigh in friends.  Is it worth it to spend the time re-making blocks that you are not 100% loving?  Or should you just leave well enough alone?

Have a great weekend everyone!

57 responses to “Thankful and Do-Over Day”

  1. I’m glad your Remy doesn’t have cancer and hope the surgery will go well.
    I know the remaking blocks problem if a blockbothers me I always remake it and yes, sometimes it doesn’t turn out so great. And yes, sometimes I’m making a block a third time (it’s a charm then, right?)
    I love your Moda blocks but both times your first ones look better. Although I love the blue bird fabrics in the second block (but the fabrics of the pumpkin in the first block are better).
    Wish ou a wonderful weekend:-)

  2. I’m glad your Remy doesn’t have cancer and hope the surgery will go well.
    I know the remaking blocks problem if a blockbothers me I always remake it and yes, sometimes it doesn’t turn out so great. And yes, sometimes I’m making a block a third time (it’s a charm then, right?)
    I love your Moda blocks but both times your first ones look better. Although I love the blue bird fabrics in the second block (but the fabrics of the pumpkin in the first block are better).
    Wish ou a wonderful weekend:-)

  3. I’m glad your Remy doesn’t have cancer and hope the surgery will go well.
    I know the remaking blocks problem if a blockbothers me I always remake it and yes, sometimes it doesn’t turn out so great. And yes, sometimes I’m making a block a third time (it’s a charm then, right?)
    I love your Moda blocks but both times your first ones look better. Although I love the blue bird fabrics in the second block (but the fabrics of the pumpkin in the first block are better).
    Wish ou a wonderful weekend:-)

  4. I’m thinking the good thoughts for Remy’s surgery. I have a feeling that he’s going to be well looked after by his buddy Ozzie. Animals seem to sense when another needs attention.
    On the re-do’s…yes, no, no. I like the new pinwheels, the second do-over fabric camouflages the block design & the new pumpkin in the third isn’t as nicely shaped as the original. In the end, do what makes you happy because there are NO quilt police!

  5. I’m thinking the good thoughts for Remy’s surgery. I have a feeling that he’s going to be well looked after by his buddy Ozzie. Animals seem to sense when another needs attention.
    On the re-do’s…yes, no, no. I like the new pinwheels, the second do-over fabric camouflages the block design & the new pumpkin in the third isn’t as nicely shaped as the original. In the end, do what makes you happy because there are NO quilt police!

  6. I’m thinking the good thoughts for Remy’s surgery. I have a feeling that he’s going to be well looked after by his buddy Ozzie. Animals seem to sense when another needs attention.
    On the re-do’s…yes, no, no. I like the new pinwheels, the second do-over fabric camouflages the block design & the new pumpkin in the third isn’t as nicely shaped as the original. In the end, do what makes you happy because there are NO quilt police!

  7. I’m glad to hear about Remy. Exactly one year ago, we were dealing with this with our Maggie girl, but she did have cancer and it was so hard on our family watching her deteriorate for six weeks. Its the hard part of having and loving pets, heh?
    I like your new PG block, but I’m with Hildy and like both first versions for your BH blocks. One thing I know well is perfectionism is a bugger and something I’ve struggled with for way too long. Life is too short.
    Have a great weekend, Nicole. I’ll be at the hockey rink for the most of it.

  8. I’m glad to hear about Remy. Exactly one year ago, we were dealing with this with our Maggie girl, but she did have cancer and it was so hard on our family watching her deteriorate for six weeks. Its the hard part of having and loving pets, heh?
    I like your new PG block, but I’m with Hildy and like both first versions for your BH blocks. One thing I know well is perfectionism is a bugger and something I’ve struggled with for way too long. Life is too short.
    Have a great weekend, Nicole. I’ll be at the hockey rink for the most of it.

  9. I’m glad to hear about Remy. Exactly one year ago, we were dealing with this with our Maggie girl, but she did have cancer and it was so hard on our family watching her deteriorate for six weeks. Its the hard part of having and loving pets, heh?
    I like your new PG block, but I’m with Hildy and like both first versions for your BH blocks. One thing I know well is perfectionism is a bugger and something I’ve struggled with for way too long. Life is too short.
    Have a great weekend, Nicole. I’ll be at the hockey rink for the most of it.

  10. Hope all goes well with Remy’s surgery. I’m sympathetic about vet bills. Big sting for the pocketbook.
    Love the block you posted on Instagram.

  11. Hope all goes well with Remy’s surgery. I’m sympathetic about vet bills. Big sting for the pocketbook.
    Love the block you posted on Instagram.

  12. Hope all goes well with Remy’s surgery. I’m sympathetic about vet bills. Big sting for the pocketbook.
    Love the block you posted on Instagram.

  13. Remy is such a cutie! I’m glad to hear that he doesn’t have cancer.
    It’s always a hard call on do-over blocks. But I think that if you’re not happy with a block and you have the extra fabric and the time, it’s worth doing it again. I do prefer your block with the pinwheels over the stripes, your original Moda blockheads block (even though it’s wonky – it has contrast) and your original pumpkin with bird (much nicer pumpkin).

  14. Remy is such a cutie! I’m glad to hear that he doesn’t have cancer.
    It’s always a hard call on do-over blocks. But I think that if you’re not happy with a block and you have the extra fabric and the time, it’s worth doing it again. I do prefer your block with the pinwheels over the stripes, your original Moda blockheads block (even though it’s wonky – it has contrast) and your original pumpkin with bird (much nicer pumpkin).

  15. Remy is such a cutie! I’m glad to hear that he doesn’t have cancer.
    It’s always a hard call on do-over blocks. But I think that if you’re not happy with a block and you have the extra fabric and the time, it’s worth doing it again. I do prefer your block with the pinwheels over the stripes, your original Moda blockheads block (even though it’s wonky – it has contrast) and your original pumpkin with bird (much nicer pumpkin).

  16. Glad to hear that Remy “only” needs surgery. At least that is something that can be dealt with a bit easier than the “c” word.
    Our Bailey (rescue Westie) is diabetic and has been having a number of issues. . . the worst being arthritis in both back legs to the point where he can go down steps but not up them. Daily meds help with his walking so that is a blessing.
    As far as the blocks go. . . .I don’t like “do overs” most of the time. But, since most of my quilting is scrappy it does not really matter.
    I prefer your original Blockhead block. The pattern is more defined and not as “muddy” as the re-do. But, if there are other blocks in the quilt that have “fuzzy” edges than the re-do might be better in the grand scheme of things.
    I also prefer the way the colors read on your original pumpkin block. The re-do just does not seem as “balanced” to my eye based on the picture. But pictures can be deceiving.
    I like both of the triangle blocks. . .they are really interesting.
    It seems that we are our own worst critics. . .and I had a friend (she passed almost 4 years ago) that was so critical of every seam that she never completed anything.
    At her wake there were blocks, partial quilts, and other bits and pieces displayed. The only completed quilt that was there was something that her great-grandmother and grandmother had made.
    While I don’t plan on going anywhere soon. . .I don’t want too many unfinished pieces to be left behind (unused fabric is ok though because I’ll never get through it all). . .for someone else to deal with. So, unless I can see a problem from 5 feet away I am not going to worry about it.
    Have a wonderful day.

  17. Glad to hear that Remy “only” needs surgery. At least that is something that can be dealt with a bit easier than the “c” word.
    Our Bailey (rescue Westie) is diabetic and has been having a number of issues. . . the worst being arthritis in both back legs to the point where he can go down steps but not up them. Daily meds help with his walking so that is a blessing.
    As far as the blocks go. . . .I don’t like “do overs” most of the time. But, since most of my quilting is scrappy it does not really matter.
    I prefer your original Blockhead block. The pattern is more defined and not as “muddy” as the re-do. But, if there are other blocks in the quilt that have “fuzzy” edges than the re-do might be better in the grand scheme of things.
    I also prefer the way the colors read on your original pumpkin block. The re-do just does not seem as “balanced” to my eye based on the picture. But pictures can be deceiving.
    I like both of the triangle blocks. . .they are really interesting.
    It seems that we are our own worst critics. . .and I had a friend (she passed almost 4 years ago) that was so critical of every seam that she never completed anything.
    At her wake there were blocks, partial quilts, and other bits and pieces displayed. The only completed quilt that was there was something that her great-grandmother and grandmother had made.
    While I don’t plan on going anywhere soon. . .I don’t want too many unfinished pieces to be left behind (unused fabric is ok though because I’ll never get through it all). . .for someone else to deal with. So, unless I can see a problem from 5 feet away I am not going to worry about it.
    Have a wonderful day.

  18. Glad to hear that Remy “only” needs surgery. At least that is something that can be dealt with a bit easier than the “c” word.
    Our Bailey (rescue Westie) is diabetic and has been having a number of issues. . . the worst being arthritis in both back legs to the point where he can go down steps but not up them. Daily meds help with his walking so that is a blessing.
    As far as the blocks go. . . .I don’t like “do overs” most of the time. But, since most of my quilting is scrappy it does not really matter.
    I prefer your original Blockhead block. The pattern is more defined and not as “muddy” as the re-do. But, if there are other blocks in the quilt that have “fuzzy” edges than the re-do might be better in the grand scheme of things.
    I also prefer the way the colors read on your original pumpkin block. The re-do just does not seem as “balanced” to my eye based on the picture. But pictures can be deceiving.
    I like both of the triangle blocks. . .they are really interesting.
    It seems that we are our own worst critics. . .and I had a friend (she passed almost 4 years ago) that was so critical of every seam that she never completed anything.
    At her wake there were blocks, partial quilts, and other bits and pieces displayed. The only completed quilt that was there was something that her great-grandmother and grandmother had made.
    While I don’t plan on going anywhere soon. . .I don’t want too many unfinished pieces to be left behind (unused fabric is ok though because I’ll never get through it all). . .for someone else to deal with. So, unless I can see a problem from 5 feet away I am not going to worry about it.
    Have a wonderful day.

  19. I typically don’t answer these type of questions for fear of sounding critical but you did ask. I’m participating in the same blocks and I always love seeing what you are doing with yours. You work is very often an inspiration to me.
    On your first do-over, both of them look very nice – Maybe you will decide to use both of them.
    On your second do-over I really, really like the left one best. The minimal contrast of the right one appears to lose some of the 1/2 sq points. I think starching and blocking of the left block would make you happier with it.
    I’m loving the first pumpkin the best.
    So sorry to hear about Rem. Our fur-babies are like part of the family and their health is important to us. Wishing you the best is getting him well.

  20. I typically don’t answer these type of questions for fear of sounding critical but you did ask. I’m participating in the same blocks and I always love seeing what you are doing with yours. You work is very often an inspiration to me.
    On your first do-over, both of them look very nice – Maybe you will decide to use both of them.
    On your second do-over I really, really like the left one best. The minimal contrast of the right one appears to lose some of the 1/2 sq points. I think starching and blocking of the left block would make you happier with it.
    I’m loving the first pumpkin the best.
    So sorry to hear about Rem. Our fur-babies are like part of the family and their health is important to us. Wishing you the best is getting him well.

  21. I typically don’t answer these type of questions for fear of sounding critical but you did ask. I’m participating in the same blocks and I always love seeing what you are doing with yours. You work is very often an inspiration to me.
    On your first do-over, both of them look very nice – Maybe you will decide to use both of them.
    On your second do-over I really, really like the left one best. The minimal contrast of the right one appears to lose some of the 1/2 sq points. I think starching and blocking of the left block would make you happier with it.
    I’m loving the first pumpkin the best.
    So sorry to hear about Rem. Our fur-babies are like part of the family and their health is important to us. Wishing you the best is getting him well.

  22. My last Golden retriever had to have knee surgery. (luxating patella) She did awesome and went on to live a great life. I wish the same for Remy.

  23. My last Golden retriever had to have knee surgery. (luxating patella) She did awesome and went on to live a great life. I wish the same for Remy.

  24. My last Golden retriever had to have knee surgery. (luxating patella) She did awesome and went on to live a great life. I wish the same for Remy.

  25. Glad to hear Remy is cancer free but still has a challenge ahead. Your blocks always look so good to me BUT if you aren’t happy with them, you probably would just focus on them every time you look at the quilt! I am trying to get some control in the quilt room right now. Totally overwhelmed! Have a good weekend.

  26. Glad to hear Remy is cancer free but still has a challenge ahead. Your blocks always look so good to me BUT if you aren’t happy with them, you probably would just focus on them every time you look at the quilt! I am trying to get some control in the quilt room right now. Totally overwhelmed! Have a good weekend.

  27. Glad to hear Remy is cancer free but still has a challenge ahead. Your blocks always look so good to me BUT if you aren’t happy with them, you probably would just focus on them every time you look at the quilt! I am trying to get some control in the quilt room right now. Totally overwhelmed! Have a good weekend.

  28. Thankful your pup is going to be OK. I think it all depends on the effort and the result. I prefer the 1st block in the second redo, more contrast.

  29. Thankful your pup is going to be OK. I think it all depends on the effort and the result. I prefer the 1st block in the second redo, more contrast.

  30. Thankful your pup is going to be OK. I think it all depends on the effort and the result. I prefer the 1st block in the second redo, more contrast.

  31. Hope your pup has a great recovery from surgery.
    Re-do’s are a sometimes in my world. If it is really bad, then yes. I think we are our own worst critics. Once the quilt is completed will anyone notice that it is a hair off somewhere? Probably not.
    I do like the like the first Moda Blockhead better. I think you lose the design with the leaf motif fabric. And I like the rounder pumpkin!
    Have a great weekend.

  32. Hope your pup has a great recovery from surgery.
    Re-do’s are a sometimes in my world. If it is really bad, then yes. I think we are our own worst critics. Once the quilt is completed will anyone notice that it is a hair off somewhere? Probably not.
    I do like the like the first Moda Blockhead better. I think you lose the design with the leaf motif fabric. And I like the rounder pumpkin!
    Have a great weekend.

  33. Hope your pup has a great recovery from surgery.
    Re-do’s are a sometimes in my world. If it is really bad, then yes. I think we are our own worst critics. Once the quilt is completed will anyone notice that it is a hair off somewhere? Probably not.
    I do like the like the first Moda Blockhead better. I think you lose the design with the leaf motif fabric. And I like the rounder pumpkin!
    Have a great weekend.

  34. So happy Remy just needs a fix-it surgery to be right as rain once more. Wishing him and those who love him, well.
    As to the block re-makes, I like the pinwheel center in the first pair, methinks the busy leaf pattern hides the pattern too much in the 2nd pair, and I like both pumpkin blocks because pumpkins come in all shapes and sizes.
    Do what pleases you!

  35. So happy Remy just needs a fix-it surgery to be right as rain once more. Wishing him and those who love him, well.
    As to the block re-makes, I like the pinwheel center in the first pair, methinks the busy leaf pattern hides the pattern too much in the 2nd pair, and I like both pumpkin blocks because pumpkins come in all shapes and sizes.
    Do what pleases you!

  36. So happy Remy just needs a fix-it surgery to be right as rain once more. Wishing him and those who love him, well.
    As to the block re-makes, I like the pinwheel center in the first pair, methinks the busy leaf pattern hides the pattern too much in the 2nd pair, and I like both pumpkin blocks because pumpkins come in all shapes and sizes.
    Do what pleases you!

  37. Set aside the potential “do over” block. When you have all your blocks done, and up on the design wall, then decide. I bet once you get away from the block for a bit, it will be just fine and you might not even know why you didn’t like it! If it still nags at you, then do it again.

  38. Set aside the potential “do over” block. When you have all your blocks done, and up on the design wall, then decide. I bet once you get away from the block for a bit, it will be just fine and you might not even know why you didn’t like it! If it still nags at you, then do it again.

  39. Set aside the potential “do over” block. When you have all your blocks done, and up on the design wall, then decide. I bet once you get away from the block for a bit, it will be just fine and you might not even know why you didn’t like it! If it still nags at you, then do it again.

  40. So happy that Remy’s condition isn’t as bad as you feared. I know what a big chunk of our hearts our sweet furbies occupy. Sorry he has to go through surgery and wish him and all of you the best.

  41. So happy that Remy’s condition isn’t as bad as you feared. I know what a big chunk of our hearts our sweet furbies occupy. Sorry he has to go through surgery and wish him and all of you the best.

  42. So happy that Remy’s condition isn’t as bad as you feared. I know what a big chunk of our hearts our sweet furbies occupy. Sorry he has to go through surgery and wish him and all of you the best.

  43. Does the sweet pup have an ACL or CCL tear by any chance? I am fostering a dog (who we soon will be adopting) who has an old ACL tear. I wanted to find another option for her instead of surgery. I feel very fortunate to have a vet in our area that does micro-current therapy. It is very rare to find someone who does micro-current therapy on dogs. As a coincidence, my MIL’s dog tore his second ACL three weeks ago, the same time we got this little foster. She was going to stay with us for a month so her dog could receive care from this vet. However, I was able to find a resource within driving distance for her. She has been thrilled – especially since this is the second ACL tear in under a year. Fifty percent of dogs who tear an ACL and who have surgery will have a tear in the other ACL within a year. My vet tells me that a torn ACL is not painful, they limp or hold up their leg because of instability. The micro-current therapy builds back the strength and stability. After a tear occurs, scar tissue forms and actually helps with the stability (instead of surgically adding a plate or other device). My MIL’s dog is also doing water therapy. Her therapist charges 50.00 a session and after five sessions, they will do an XRAY to evaluate the progress. I am paying 85.00 a session. I am delighted because she is showing improvement without the pain and risk of infection associated with surgery. They get outstanding results in dogs who have a partial tear – even with big dogs…dogs who compete in jumping off docks. Both my foster and my MIL’s dog have complete tears. However, my vet believes we can get her to 85% – and I am happy with that. This week after my foster’s treatment, she did a little dance. (I am restricting her activity just like I would if she had surgery.) My MIL’s dog chased his tail after his first treatment – he had never done that before. It seems that both are responding well to the treatments. Nicole, if it is an ACL/CCL tear, I would explore other approaches other rather than opting immediately for surgery.
    And if the dog does not have an ACL tear, recommend a do over and just forget the above!

  44. Does the sweet pup have an ACL or CCL tear by any chance? I am fostering a dog (who we soon will be adopting) who has an old ACL tear. I wanted to find another option for her instead of surgery. I feel very fortunate to have a vet in our area that does micro-current therapy. It is very rare to find someone who does micro-current therapy on dogs. As a coincidence, my MIL’s dog tore his second ACL three weeks ago, the same time we got this little foster. She was going to stay with us for a month so her dog could receive care from this vet. However, I was able to find a resource within driving distance for her. She has been thrilled – especially since this is the second ACL tear in under a year. Fifty percent of dogs who tear an ACL and who have surgery will have a tear in the other ACL within a year. My vet tells me that a torn ACL is not painful, they limp or hold up their leg because of instability. The micro-current therapy builds back the strength and stability. After a tear occurs, scar tissue forms and actually helps with the stability (instead of surgically adding a plate or other device). My MIL’s dog is also doing water therapy. Her therapist charges 50.00 a session and after five sessions, they will do an XRAY to evaluate the progress. I am paying 85.00 a session. I am delighted because she is showing improvement without the pain and risk of infection associated with surgery. They get outstanding results in dogs who have a partial tear – even with big dogs…dogs who compete in jumping off docks. Both my foster and my MIL’s dog have complete tears. However, my vet believes we can get her to 85% – and I am happy with that. This week after my foster’s treatment, she did a little dance. (I am restricting her activity just like I would if she had surgery.) My MIL’s dog chased his tail after his first treatment – he had never done that before. It seems that both are responding well to the treatments. Nicole, if it is an ACL/CCL tear, I would explore other approaches other rather than opting immediately for surgery.
    And if the dog does not have an ACL tear, recommend a do over and just forget the above!

  45. Does the sweet pup have an ACL or CCL tear by any chance? I am fostering a dog (who we soon will be adopting) who has an old ACL tear. I wanted to find another option for her instead of surgery. I feel very fortunate to have a vet in our area that does micro-current therapy. It is very rare to find someone who does micro-current therapy on dogs. As a coincidence, my MIL’s dog tore his second ACL three weeks ago, the same time we got this little foster. She was going to stay with us for a month so her dog could receive care from this vet. However, I was able to find a resource within driving distance for her. She has been thrilled – especially since this is the second ACL tear in under a year. Fifty percent of dogs who tear an ACL and who have surgery will have a tear in the other ACL within a year. My vet tells me that a torn ACL is not painful, they limp or hold up their leg because of instability. The micro-current therapy builds back the strength and stability. After a tear occurs, scar tissue forms and actually helps with the stability (instead of surgically adding a plate or other device). My MIL’s dog is also doing water therapy. Her therapist charges 50.00 a session and after five sessions, they will do an XRAY to evaluate the progress. I am paying 85.00 a session. I am delighted because she is showing improvement without the pain and risk of infection associated with surgery. They get outstanding results in dogs who have a partial tear – even with big dogs…dogs who compete in jumping off docks. Both my foster and my MIL’s dog have complete tears. However, my vet believes we can get her to 85% – and I am happy with that. This week after my foster’s treatment, she did a little dance. (I am restricting her activity just like I would if she had surgery.) My MIL’s dog chased his tail after his first treatment – he had never done that before. It seems that both are responding well to the treatments. Nicole, if it is an ACL/CCL tear, I would explore other approaches other rather than opting immediately for surgery.
    And if the dog does not have an ACL tear, recommend a do over and just forget the above!

  46. I am so happy for you that Remy will only need a surgery and does not have cancer. Oh! What we do for our sweet little pets!

  47. I am so happy for you that Remy will only need a surgery and does not have cancer. Oh! What we do for our sweet little pets!

  48. I am so happy for you that Remy will only need a surgery and does not have cancer. Oh! What we do for our sweet little pets!

  49. I am so glad Remy doesn’t have cancer. My Maggie had to have two ACL surgeries this past year and a half. My local vet wanted close to $2,000 apiece. I took her to Dr. Jeff of Rocky Mountain Vet fame and they did each for $600. They are only about an hour away from my house. Lots of people come there from all over the country.

  50. I am so glad Remy doesn’t have cancer. My Maggie had to have two ACL surgeries this past year and a half. My local vet wanted close to $2,000 apiece. I took her to Dr. Jeff of Rocky Mountain Vet fame and they did each for $600. They are only about an hour away from my house. Lots of people come there from all over the country.

  51. I am so glad Remy doesn’t have cancer. My Maggie had to have two ACL surgeries this past year and a half. My local vet wanted close to $2,000 apiece. I took her to Dr. Jeff of Rocky Mountain Vet fame and they did each for $600. They are only about an hour away from my house. Lots of people come there from all over the country.

  52. So glad Remy doesn’t have cancer but sorry he’s going to need surgery. We had a similar situation but with out cat this past summer. She’s 13 and just started limping one day, we think she must’ve hurt herself outside. Anyways, they did X-rays, no cancer, but gave her steroids which was to help her heal faster. It seemed to work for her, in fact she didn’t even take all the medicine they gave us. You might want to get a second opinion to see if there is an alternative to a pin. Oh and it seems like whenever I redo blocks I’m only successful half the time. I liked all of your first blocks better, but also liked the pinwheel one too.

  53. So glad Remy doesn’t have cancer but sorry he’s going to need surgery. We had a similar situation but with out cat this past summer. She’s 13 and just started limping one day, we think she must’ve hurt herself outside. Anyways, they did X-rays, no cancer, but gave her steroids which was to help her heal faster. It seemed to work for her, in fact she didn’t even take all the medicine they gave us. You might want to get a second opinion to see if there is an alternative to a pin. Oh and it seems like whenever I redo blocks I’m only successful half the time. I liked all of your first blocks better, but also liked the pinwheel one too.

  54. So glad Remy doesn’t have cancer but sorry he’s going to need surgery. We had a similar situation but with out cat this past summer. She’s 13 and just started limping one day, we think she must’ve hurt herself outside. Anyways, they did X-rays, no cancer, but gave her steroids which was to help her heal faster. It seemed to work for her, in fact she didn’t even take all the medicine they gave us. You might want to get a second opinion to see if there is an alternative to a pin. Oh and it seems like whenever I redo blocks I’m only successful half the time. I liked all of your first blocks better, but also liked the pinwheel one too.

  55. Someone once told me that not all quilts are perfect, and to reach perfection, there will be heartbreak. Each quilt will have a personality, quirks and all. I can live with points not exactly matching, but I can not live with the point being flat. In your three examples, I would have probably left 2 out of 3 alone.

  56. Someone once told me that not all quilts are perfect, and to reach perfection, there will be heartbreak. Each quilt will have a personality, quirks and all. I can live with points not exactly matching, but I can not live with the point being flat. In your three examples, I would have probably left 2 out of 3 alone.

  57. Someone once told me that not all quilts are perfect, and to reach perfection, there will be heartbreak. Each quilt will have a personality, quirks and all. I can live with points not exactly matching, but I can not live with the point being flat. In your three examples, I would have probably left 2 out of 3 alone.