Two of Things is Good

Well.  Didn't we have ourselves a blogging brouhaha yesterday?  If you missed it, just as well.  All over now.  Feathers are smoothed, tempers are cooled, and we are all getting back to our cheerful nice selves.  I hope.

But listen.  Really.  As much as we all love a spirited discussion, we have to be more careful about what we say in our blog formats.  Expressing our opinions is great, but not to the extent that we hurt individual people's feelings or malign their reputations.  Let's be kind to each other guys.  Words can and do really hurt.  And once they are out there, they just can't be called back.

Don't think I am Miss Perfect.  Far from it.  I learned this lesson the hard way myself.  A few months ago I posted on not caring for the sorts of blogs that are all about buying fabric and never making anything with it.  An extremely sensitive individual thought she recognized herself in my post and took great exception to my post and in turn, bashed me thoroughly on her blog.  I got hate mail from her supporters for a week.  It was all dreadfully upsetting and unpleasant.  I hadn't meant to, but I offended a number of people in blogland.  So, I learned if I was going to state my opinion on anything, to make an effort to do it in the most caring way.  And to be sure to state that I wasn't talking about any one person in particular!

It is so true that it is our diversity that makes the world interesting.  Thank goodness there are as many opinions out there as there are people.

I stayed home from work yesterday, a bit under the weather.  I have had this silly cold that has gone all asthmatic on me.  I gurgle when I breathe.  Ugh.  So, I didn't just sit in my bed, inhaler in hand, head propped up on ten pillows.  No indeed.  I made another zippered pouch!

Those of you who are weary of me talking about my little zippered bags, will be very happy to know that I used a new pattern!

This is a pattern by Terri Atkinson, who is not paying me in any way to promote her products.  (Trying to keep it light here).   It is a smaller version of the gazillion bags I made during the holidays, with a different treatment of the accent fabric.

I made one for my sister Trish, who asked for something small that would just hold a couple of lipsticks.


I think it is cute.  What could be better than a little zippered cosmetics bag?  Why two of them of course!


78 responses to “Two of Things is Good”

  1. I am soooo disappointed that you removed your list of other quilt blogs from your sidebar. I understand that some upsetting things were said the other day, but the first thing I do every morning is read your blog and then check out the other blogs from your list. I have come to love so many of them. Now I am desperately trying to remember what they were all called. Please consider putting the list back up! I like to start my day with a little quilt smile! ! !

  2. I am soooo disappointed that you removed your list of other quilt blogs from your sidebar. I understand that some upsetting things were said the other day, but the first thing I do every morning is read your blog and then check out the other blogs from your list. I have come to love so many of them. Now I am desperately trying to remember what they were all called. Please consider putting the list back up! I like to start my day with a little quilt smile! ! !

  3. Good morning!
    I missed your post yesterday (it wasn’t there when I visited morning or evening) so missed the brouhaha. Sorry there was unpleasantness.
    LOVE your little lipstick bags! They are tooooo cute and your fabric choices make them sweet, too.
    Hope you’re feeling lots better!
    Big hugs!

  4. Good morning!
    I missed your post yesterday (it wasn’t there when I visited morning or evening) so missed the brouhaha. Sorry there was unpleasantness.
    LOVE your little lipstick bags! They are tooooo cute and your fabric choices make them sweet, too.
    Hope you’re feeling lots better!
    Big hugs!

  5. I’m in the dark here…haven’t a clue about any bru-ha-ha goings on. The two times I checked in on your blog yesterday, first thing in the morning and later in the evening, there was no entry~~ Can’t even imagine what might have happened…hope things didn’t get too nasty?? Your Eventide quilt is spectacular! You sure crank out those quilts~ wish I had some of whatever it is that you have that gets the job done. You leave me in your dust!! Love seeing your ideas and work ~ Keep it up!!

  6. I’m in the dark here…haven’t a clue about any bru-ha-ha goings on. The two times I checked in on your blog yesterday, first thing in the morning and later in the evening, there was no entry~~ Can’t even imagine what might have happened…hope things didn’t get too nasty?? Your Eventide quilt is spectacular! You sure crank out those quilts~ wish I had some of whatever it is that you have that gets the job done. You leave me in your dust!! Love seeing your ideas and work ~ Keep it up!!

  7. I hope you are feeling better today Nicole. You sure made good use of your day at home those little bags are adorable!
    I did notice someone ate some crow for supper and one of my favorite designers wrote a wonderful and thoughtful response to what had been written and removed.
    I agree people should try to be a lot kinder to each other, there is more than enough ouches in this world.
    Have a great day!!

  8. I hope you are feeling better today Nicole. You sure made good use of your day at home those little bags are adorable!
    I did notice someone ate some crow for supper and one of my favorite designers wrote a wonderful and thoughtful response to what had been written and removed.
    I agree people should try to be a lot kinder to each other, there is more than enough ouches in this world.
    Have a great day!!

  9. It was interesting to sit back and watch some eat crow…we need to remember what our mothers taught us long ago..if you don’t have something nice to say….well you know the rest…thought your post in response was perfectly said.

  10. It was interesting to sit back and watch some eat crow…we need to remember what our mothers taught us long ago..if you don’t have something nice to say….well you know the rest…thought your post in response was perfectly said.

  11. Got in on the brouhaha and am glad it’s over. I think we just all need to be a little understanding of others – we don’t all have the same likes, dislikes, desires or abilities and pick our activities and projects to fit our own desires, abilities, schedules, etc. Wouldn’t the world be boring if we were all the same!
    The little lipstick bag – I just made my first one of these last weekend to tuck into a birthday care package for my 21-yo daughter who is overseas this year. I skyped with her yesterday (because the box finally got there) and asked how she liked the little bag I made her and she was aurprised that I had made it – it looked so professional! Now she knows I have been a sewer for around 45 years so am no slacker in that department but was still impressed! And the bag – so easy! I’m going to make dozens more I have no doubt – probably will outfit my daughter’s whole crew of friends!

  12. Got in on the brouhaha and am glad it’s over. I think we just all need to be a little understanding of others – we don’t all have the same likes, dislikes, desires or abilities and pick our activities and projects to fit our own desires, abilities, schedules, etc. Wouldn’t the world be boring if we were all the same!
    The little lipstick bag – I just made my first one of these last weekend to tuck into a birthday care package for my 21-yo daughter who is overseas this year. I skyped with her yesterday (because the box finally got there) and asked how she liked the little bag I made her and she was aurprised that I had made it – it looked so professional! Now she knows I have been a sewer for around 45 years so am no slacker in that department but was still impressed! And the bag – so easy! I’m going to make dozens more I have no doubt – probably will outfit my daughter’s whole crew of friends!

  13. Nicole,
    I’m in the dark about the events of yesterday too. That being said – isn’t this your blog? Don’t you have a right to your opinion? If someone doesn’t like what you write – they don’t have to read you! It’s just like TV – if you don’t like what’s on – change the channel!!!!!
    Let’s face it – no matter WHAT we say – at any given moment on any given day – it will make someone mad. Please, don’t filter who you are in fear of someone getting their “panties in a twist”! We need to be adults, behave like adults, and respect that we each have an opinion we are entitled to – and it doesn’t have to agree with anyone else!
    ….can I get a little help down off of my soapbox now?!?!?!

  14. Nicole,
    I’m in the dark about the events of yesterday too. That being said – isn’t this your blog? Don’t you have a right to your opinion? If someone doesn’t like what you write – they don’t have to read you! It’s just like TV – if you don’t like what’s on – change the channel!!!!!
    Let’s face it – no matter WHAT we say – at any given moment on any given day – it will make someone mad. Please, don’t filter who you are in fear of someone getting their “panties in a twist”! We need to be adults, behave like adults, and respect that we each have an opinion we are entitled to – and it doesn’t have to agree with anyone else!
    ….can I get a little help down off of my soapbox now?!?!?!

  15. Hi Nicole –
    I agree with Jennifer. I religiously check in with your blog and some of your favorite blogs on your side bar. Please reconsider taking them off as I too have made a habit of accessing them through you and find many of them to be quite enjoyable. Each blogger is entitled to their opinion but as you mentioned – some tact and kindness is in order here.

  16. Hi Nicole –
    I agree with Jennifer. I religiously check in with your blog and some of your favorite blogs on your side bar. Please reconsider taking them off as I too have made a habit of accessing them through you and find many of them to be quite enjoyable. Each blogger is entitled to their opinion but as you mentioned – some tact and kindness is in order here.

  17. Morning Nicole –
    I’ve noticed several bloggers have made the bags from the Atkinson pattern. Was it fairly easy to follow and would it be for a beginner? I’ve never made anything with a zipper, but would love to make some of these bags.

  18. Morning Nicole –
    I’ve noticed several bloggers have made the bags from the Atkinson pattern. Was it fairly easy to follow and would it be for a beginner? I’ve never made anything with a zipper, but would love to make some of these bags.

  19. I too missed the post yesterday, but I am glad I did. I read Carrie’s wonderful remarks, and that was enough for me. Your zippered bag is adorable. I LOVE the fabric. Is that Elizabeth’s fabric?? So feminine and girly 🙂 I wouldn’t mind carrying lipsticks in something that pretty. One of these days I am going to make something with a zipper :-S

  20. I too missed the post yesterday, but I am glad I did. I read Carrie’s wonderful remarks, and that was enough for me. Your zippered bag is adorable. I LOVE the fabric. Is that Elizabeth’s fabric?? So feminine and girly 🙂 I wouldn’t mind carrying lipsticks in something that pretty. One of these days I am going to make something with a zipper :-S

  21. So I missed all the excitement. I checked your blog early and didn’t see anything so I assumed you were busy at work yesterday. Whatever it was, I’m pretty sure your heart was in the right place. I love your blog Nicole! The new bog is really cute. Have a great day!

  22. So I missed all the excitement. I checked your blog early and didn’t see anything so I assumed you were busy at work yesterday. Whatever it was, I’m pretty sure your heart was in the right place. I love your blog Nicole! The new bog is really cute. Have a great day!

  23. I agree with di – it is your blog and you have a right to your opinion! That is one of the reasons I love your blog – because you are opinionated! I didn’t see any of this brouhaha but I am sure it was unnecessary. Your projects are wonderful and keep up the good work. I also would like you to put your quilty blog list back up.

  24. I agree with di – it is your blog and you have a right to your opinion! That is one of the reasons I love your blog – because you are opinionated! I didn’t see any of this brouhaha but I am sure it was unnecessary. Your projects are wonderful and keep up the good work. I also would like you to put your quilty blog list back up.

  25. Sorry to hear there was a little something “happening” in blog land. I enjoy reading your blog every day (but I guess not yesterday). your quilts are wonderful and inspirational too. I made these little bags at Christmas for a few friends, they are wonderful. I need to make myself one!
    chin up and hope you are feeling better

  26. Sorry to hear there was a little something “happening” in blog land. I enjoy reading your blog every day (but I guess not yesterday). your quilts are wonderful and inspirational too. I made these little bags at Christmas for a few friends, they are wonderful. I need to make myself one!
    chin up and hope you are feeling better

  27. Oh dear! A real dilemma…strong voiced opinions often do that. But hey we are all entitled to our opinion. I do agree that it is always the best policy to be kind though. We had a bit of a “tempest” awhile back while planning our quilt show, while I was guild coordinator, and the “instigator” for want of a better word came to me after and explained things fully, and asked me if she was wrong in what she said. My answer was this, “the message was ok, but the delivery needed some work.”
    Please put your side bar links back…I used them daily. I am floundering here!

  28. Oh dear! A real dilemma…strong voiced opinions often do that. But hey we are all entitled to our opinion. I do agree that it is always the best policy to be kind though. We had a bit of a “tempest” awhile back while planning our quilt show, while I was guild coordinator, and the “instigator” for want of a better word came to me after and explained things fully, and asked me if she was wrong in what she said. My answer was this, “the message was ok, but the delivery needed some work.”
    Please put your side bar links back…I used them daily. I am floundering here!

  29. I can see I’m not alone in wanting those links put back on your side bar! Thanks for doing that!
    For the commenters who want to make the little bags but are worried about zippers…take a look at Nicole’s tutorial in Nov. It’s spot on and makes the job a breeze! I made a bunch for Christmas gifts and suspect this new smaller version pattern will be on my sewing table by the week-end! Those are soooooo adorable!!!

  30. I can see I’m not alone in wanting those links put back on your side bar! Thanks for doing that!
    For the commenters who want to make the little bags but are worried about zippers…take a look at Nicole’s tutorial in Nov. It’s spot on and makes the job a breeze! I made a bunch for Christmas gifts and suspect this new smaller version pattern will be on my sewing table by the week-end! Those are soooooo adorable!!!

  31. Great little zippered bags!
    Great response yesterday. I only read yours and Carrie’s, but I agreed.
    Funny thing – I simply don’t read blogs I don’t like or agree with. It’s like choosing a book. I don’t waste my time on one’s I don’t like.

  32. Great little zippered bags!
    Great response yesterday. I only read yours and Carrie’s, but I agreed.
    Funny thing – I simply don’t read blogs I don’t like or agree with. It’s like choosing a book. I don’t waste my time on one’s I don’t like.

  33. Very cute bags.
    Thankfully I missed yesterday’s brouhaha but I’m very sad that people’s feelings were very hurt. I will NEVER understand why some feel the need to instill hurt – emotionally & physically. I try so hard to treat others as I want to be treated. Sigh!

  34. Very cute bags.
    Thankfully I missed yesterday’s brouhaha but I’m very sad that people’s feelings were very hurt. I will NEVER understand why some feel the need to instill hurt – emotionally & physically. I try so hard to treat others as I want to be treated. Sigh!

  35. Wooo! The Delilah fabric is lovely in your cute, little bags. I’m using a little bit of Delilah in my Eventide quilt (well, it’s not a quilt yet) and it’s my inspiration to draw in other colors.
    Well, call me clueless. I missed all the “stuff” and that’s FINE with me. I’m a lover not a fighter. Don’t be hatin’. I tell my teenage girls that constantly.

  36. Wooo! The Delilah fabric is lovely in your cute, little bags. I’m using a little bit of Delilah in my Eventide quilt (well, it’s not a quilt yet) and it’s my inspiration to draw in other colors.
    Well, call me clueless. I missed all the “stuff” and that’s FINE with me. I’m a lover not a fighter. Don’t be hatin’. I tell my teenage girls that constantly.

  37. I read your blog every morning and when I went to read it yesterday the caption read sour grapes and then I could never open you blog to read it so I am really out of the loop. Sorry to hear feelings were hurt. I was raised to treat others as you would like them to treat you.
    Sorry you have a nasty cold. I just love your little bag

  38. I read your blog every morning and when I went to read it yesterday the caption read sour grapes and then I could never open you blog to read it so I am really out of the loop. Sorry to hear feelings were hurt. I was raised to treat others as you would like them to treat you.
    Sorry you have a nasty cold. I just love your little bag

  39. Hey!! I missed it too! I think blogs are a great way to express joy with a shared form of art/creating. I just don’t understand all of this ‘up in arms’ stuff. Really. I don’t.
    ANyway, love the little coin purses! ;0

  40. Hey!! I missed it too! I think blogs are a great way to express joy with a shared form of art/creating. I just don’t understand all of this ‘up in arms’ stuff. Really. I don’t.
    ANyway, love the little coin purses! ;0

  41. I guess I missed out too, whatever, as my sister would say. Sadly there are always people who carry a chip on their shoulder and take things personally. I remember being offended once by something that really wasn’t directed at me. My Grandma just looked at me and said “really, you think you’re that important that everyone in the world is talking about you?” I realized what she was saying and I always step back a bit now. Face it, we all annoy someone at one time or another, and someone will always annoy us at one time or another. I’m with Dianne – I don’t read blogs I don’t like – there are too many great, in my opinion, blogs, why waste your time on something that makes you unhappy.
    Well, all that being said – love the bags. They’d make great presents!

  42. I guess I missed out too, whatever, as my sister would say. Sadly there are always people who carry a chip on their shoulder and take things personally. I remember being offended once by something that really wasn’t directed at me. My Grandma just looked at me and said “really, you think you’re that important that everyone in the world is talking about you?” I realized what she was saying and I always step back a bit now. Face it, we all annoy someone at one time or another, and someone will always annoy us at one time or another. I’m with Dianne – I don’t read blogs I don’t like – there are too many great, in my opinion, blogs, why waste your time on something that makes you unhappy.
    Well, all that being said – love the bags. They’d make great presents!

  43. Cute little bags! 🙂
    I read some of yesterday’s brouhaha and have to say~ don’t let others opinions sway you from posting~ there are others who love your inspiration! Our differences is what makes our quilting journey unique. Put the list of blogs back please. 🙂 I didn’t get in on Eventide, but I loved all the different looks everyone was creating and when you are an isolated quilter, it is all so inspiring! Hope you feel better soon!

  44. Cute little bags! 🙂
    I read some of yesterday’s brouhaha and have to say~ don’t let others opinions sway you from posting~ there are others who love your inspiration! Our differences is what makes our quilting journey unique. Put the list of blogs back please. 🙂 I didn’t get in on Eventide, but I loved all the different looks everyone was creating and when you are an isolated quilter, it is all so inspiring! Hope you feel better soon!

  45. Love the bags! I read your original post yesterday, but not the comments. I would like to add that I LOVE seeing what you do with a line of fabric! I am often clueless what to do exactly with a stack of such lovely fat quarters and I am learning a lot from you of how I could use them.

  46. Love the bags! I read your original post yesterday, but not the comments. I would like to add that I LOVE seeing what you do with a line of fabric! I am often clueless what to do exactly with a stack of such lovely fat quarters and I am learning a lot from you of how I could use them.

  47. Those bags are lovely I hope you are feeling Better Please take care of yourself I am to far away to mother you lol.
    Hugs Mary.

  48. Those bags are lovely I hope you are feeling Better Please take care of yourself I am to far away to mother you lol.
    Hugs Mary.

  49. Can’t you get an Etsy site and sell some of these little bags, some of the other bags, some of the napkins, some placemats, some runners, a wall hanging or two, and countless other things? PLEASE????

  50. Can’t you get an Etsy site and sell some of these little bags, some of the other bags, some of the napkins, some placemats, some runners, a wall hanging or two, and countless other things? PLEASE????

  51. I was in hurry so I didn’t say everything I wanted to say! I LOVE that little bag! Darling and perfect for lipstick or even a cute contact case, which I may be needing now. 🙂 Your like a professional with this ridiculous cilice bags!!
    I hope you start feeling better. Seems everyone has been down with the crud lately.
    Yes, I so enjoyed your post.

  52. I was in hurry so I didn’t say everything I wanted to say! I LOVE that little bag! Darling and perfect for lipstick or even a cute contact case, which I may be needing now. 🙂 Your like a professional with this ridiculous cilice bags!!
    I hope you start feeling better. Seems everyone has been down with the crud lately.
    Yes, I so enjoyed your post.

  53. I dont know what happened but I so I agree with what you have said. I got on my soap box earlier in the week in response to exactly what you said above. And from the response I received my words were kind and caring. I love the little bag and MUST make it! Thanks!

  54. I dont know what happened but I so I agree with what you have said. I got on my soap box earlier in the week in response to exactly what you said above. And from the response I received my words were kind and caring. I love the little bag and MUST make it! Thanks!

  55. Wow, I read your blog yesterday but have to say I must have missed something. Remember it’s your blog, your opinions, your inspiration, don’t let anyone take that away from you. Be who you are and post what you want. I see a lot of people asking for links back, but it really is your blog. I would hate to have a blog listed of someone who was rude or mean to me sitting on my sidebar. Send the people asking for them back a list to put on their favorites bar, that’s what I do to the blogs I really like. Please don’t change, you’re awesome the way you are 🙂

  56. Wow, I read your blog yesterday but have to say I must have missed something. Remember it’s your blog, your opinions, your inspiration, don’t let anyone take that away from you. Be who you are and post what you want. I see a lot of people asking for links back, but it really is your blog. I would hate to have a blog listed of someone who was rude or mean to me sitting on my sidebar. Send the people asking for them back a list to put on their favorites bar, that’s what I do to the blogs I really like. Please don’t change, you’re awesome the way you are 🙂

  57. I love your blogs and those who have a kindred spirit. I have tried new challenges because of you guys. You give encouragement and support with quite a bit of humor. For whatever reason people blog or share quilting ideas, the community is growing daily and people find joy in this wonderful hobby. I don’t always join in all the fun, but I do have fun watching the goings-ons.
    See you in the morning! Great coin purses….
    Debbie in Oklahoma

  58. I love your blogs and those who have a kindred spirit. I have tried new challenges because of you guys. You give encouragement and support with quite a bit of humor. For whatever reason people blog or share quilting ideas, the community is growing daily and people find joy in this wonderful hobby. I don’t always join in all the fun, but I do have fun watching the goings-ons.
    See you in the morning! Great coin purses….
    Debbie in Oklahoma

  59. I’m real glad that I checked out of blogging for the last week to try and get caught up here so I missed much of the bruhaha in blogland. I’ve had people emailing me to ask if I saw it all….I’m out of the loop for the most part and thankful. It is true that our blogs can create havic among the masses and even though ours we must tread lightly. LOL But I’m not here for that…was just checking in as I was catching up and just have to comment on Eventide….too pretty!!! Love it!

  60. I’m real glad that I checked out of blogging for the last week to try and get caught up here so I missed much of the bruhaha in blogland. I’ve had people emailing me to ask if I saw it all….I’m out of the loop for the most part and thankful. It is true that our blogs can create havic among the masses and even though ours we must tread lightly. LOL But I’m not here for that…was just checking in as I was catching up and just have to comment on Eventide….too pretty!!! Love it!

  61. I am so glad that I missed all the hoopla. The spoken word can be taken many different ways, as we know, and I refuse to read mean spirited ramblings. Carrie Nelson’s posting was terrific and I did not even know what prompted it. Hoorah for me!!!
    I love your little bags – you give so much of your time and talent to our craft so thank you for sharing. Judy C

  62. I am so glad that I missed all the hoopla. The spoken word can be taken many different ways, as we know, and I refuse to read mean spirited ramblings. Carrie Nelson’s posting was terrific and I did not even know what prompted it. Hoorah for me!!!
    I love your little bags – you give so much of your time and talent to our craft so thank you for sharing. Judy C

  63. these little bags are just adorable…
    I love reading your blog!
    keep up the good work…and yes I try hard to keep mine upbeat and “politically correct”
    lets get back to quilting 🙂

  64. these little bags are just adorable…
    I love reading your blog!
    keep up the good work…and yes I try hard to keep mine upbeat and “politically correct”
    lets get back to quilting 🙂

  65. I am in total awe of your zipper skills! I think these tiny little ones are my favorites… far! But then you know me and red, and dots!

  66. I am in total awe of your zipper skills! I think these tiny little ones are my favorites… far! But then you know me and red, and dots!